Page 75 - DLYC Yearbook 2020
P. 75

DLYC Rules and Regulations
The use of the clubhouse, grounds and other facilities is restricted to members, their families and their guests.
1. Guests are permitted only when accompanied by members. The members must register their guest with the club manager. Guests are restricted to two (2) visits per summer, except for Friday Night Fish Fry.
2. Members are responsible for the proper conduct and dress of themselves, their children and guests.
3. The club assumes no responsibility for the use of its facilities after the posted closing hours unless there is a
sanctioned club event.
4. DLYC will offer reciprocal agreements with all yacht clubs.
5. Bicycles and motor vehicles are restricted to the driveway and parking areas.
6. ANY UNBUDGETED EXPENDITURE must be approved by the Finance Committee.
7. Members are financially responsible for unused social event reservations unless cancelled 72 hours prior to
the event.
1. New members may not sponsor prospective members during the first calendar year of membership. A prospective member desiring an application form should be presented to the Membership Chairman, President or Commodore.
2. Regular members in good standing may only sponsor two (2) new members each year. A prospective member desiring an application form should be presented to the Membership Chairman, President, or Commodore. The President, Commodore and Membership Chairman will have an unlimited sponsorship privilege.
3. Children of regular members who have attained the age of 26 or married as of May 1 must apply for membership at the first opportunity within that year except in the case of armed service tenure. They may not wait until the latter part of the season to apply and then request that the submitted dues be applied to the next season. They must make application for membership in the usual manner.
4. Single Membership is available to approved members without age restriction. Dues are one-half the family membership, plus initiation fees if such person is a new member. Married persons are not eligible for a single membership. Individuals with dependents under 26 years of age are not eligible for a single membership. Single members are entitled to one vote.
5. Senior Membership comprises 65 years old minimum. If a couple, only one must be 65. Must be a regular member in good standing for one year. Dues two-thirds of the family membership. Senior members are entitled to one vote.
6. Grandchildren of members, whose parents are not members, may participate in the DLYC Day Camp a maximum of eight (8) days during one summer season.
7. Prospective new sailing members should conform to our existing classes of sailboats. The classes are E, C, MC, X and Flying Scot.
8. All members in good standing have the privilege of charging their purchases at the DLYC to their membership account. Any member who uses this charge facility will receive a statement of those charges monthly. Payment to the DLYC is expected within 30 days of the statement date. Members have 30 days to contest any charges from the date of the invoice; otherwise, no contest will be considered. Members who RSVP for an event and do not show without providing notice to the coordinator will be charged for their RSVP despite not attending. If any member has an outstanding balance due after 60 days, the statement will advise the member that the manager will be directed to suspend charging privileges for that member until the account is paid to current status. The manager will be directed to take this action the 10th day after the date of the statement that notified the member of this action. In the event the member fails to pay the past due balance, or fails to establish an authorized plan of payment, and the account becomes 90 days past due, the Board of Directors may take further action to suspend membership privileges until the balance is paid in full.
9. The Board of Directors may grant a leave of absence (LOA) for membership for one year.
10. A written request to the Membership Chairman asking for an LOA and providing reasons is required. The
Board may grant an extended LOA based on a demonstrated hardship on a year-to-year basis.

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