Page 77 - DLYC Yearbook 2020
P. 77

b. Private rental and use of club grounds and facilities by members or non-members shall not interfere or in any way infringe upon the ordinary operation of the club in its social or sailing programs. Club members shall receive first priority in the scheduling and accommodation of requests for private rental of the club grounds and facilities. Non-members, when sponsored by a club member, shall have second priority.
a. Members , or Non-Members sponsored by Members, may rent the grounds and facilities for their personal
use for private events and/or private parties. However, the donation fee shall be determined on a case by case basis for club rental. The Member or sponsoring Member will be required to submit a completed rental application/agreement prior to receiving confirmation of the rental being approved and the donation fee for that rental.
b. Cost for the rental will range between a nominal minimum of $250 to a maximum usage fee of $1,500. The intent is for the Club Rental Committee to have an understanding of the full impact to the club as to the extent of the event, the number of attendees, the relative disruption to member use and the overall impact to the facility. As a guideline; a small gathering for a charitable event may call for the minimum fee of $250. For a large wedding that requires major staging of tents, fixtures and significant furniture changes impacting the club over several days, the maximum fee of $1,500 would be expected.
a. The Club Manager may assist members in planning private events and parties. Normal club bar and
kitchen food prices will apply unless other arrangements are made. Members may utilize the club kitchen facilities; however, such use shall be coordinated with and supervised by the Club Manager. At least one properly licensed bartender must be on the club premises and in charge of serving all alcoholic beverage during all private parties or private events.
b. The member hosting or sponsoring a private event or private party is reponsible for all clean-up and must return the kitchen and facilities to their original condition. The hosting or sponsoring member shall also be responsible for the repair of all damage which may occur during a private event or private party.
c. The Club Manager may also assist club members in planning and coordinating use of the kitchen and dining facilties for catering services. All catering sevices must coordinate with and be supervised by the Club Manager.

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