Page 13 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
P. 13

from the writers’ room
Malcom Devoy
Malcolm Devoy is Head of Strategy for PHD Global Business, based in London. He is currently leading the strategy for GSK global communications planning as well as Skoda. Malcolm has contributed to building PHD’s global gamified planning system Source, and has co-authored books on brands’ challenger behaviour (Overthrow: 10 Ways
to Tell a Challenger Story, 2012); gamification (Game Change, 2013); artificial intelligence (Sentience: The coming AI Revolution and the Implication for Marketers, 2015), and now Merge (2017). Before a career in media, Malcolm used to be a croupier, and has been known to divulge the secrets of how to cheat in
the casino!
Phil Rowley
Phil Rowley is a media thinker and global digital strategist
with 17 years’ experience from PHD offices in London, Dublin & Auckland. Currently, he is Group Global Innovation Director at PHD Global Strategy Unit in London, helping brands embrace new technologies, and to deploy them as part of a modern, integrated marketing strategy.
Holger Thalheimer
Holger Thalheimer is CEO of PHD Germany. He has worked at Schmitter Media (now owned by Havas) as TV Researcher
and then as planner at Carat, first in Hamburg (working on
the Coca-Cola account), then for some years in Düsseldorf.
In 2006, he joined Omnicom Media Group Germany, first as Director Business Development and Strategy, and later as part of the Managing Board of OMD Düsseldorf as Managing Partner, also leading the Berlin branch.
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017

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