Page 11 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
P. 11

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ologist, researcher and author]
Are we falling in love with technology?
Merge raises this thought-provoking question and looks at if and how deeply we will fall in love with technology.
In this part, we zoom into dig deep
into three (out of eight) major tech developments that are already shaping our lives: Next-gen Wearables, Chatbots with Natural Language Understanding Interfaces (NLUI) and Smart Data Layers.
While it is important to understand what these emerging trends mean, it is also critical to see the opportunities they bring. APAC is a romping place for next-gen wearables, especially China where we see solid growth in terms of wearable devices.
Chatbots are becoming smarter every day and NLUI will be the norm in a few years, maybe months, from now. Balazs Molnar, CEO and Co-founder of Aliz Technologies (a start-up that is building AI personal assistants) shares his view on where chatbots are heading towards.
Our third topic covers smart data layers — and how intelligence layers across all video content (leveraging machine visioning) will enable people to know about any object, place, and brand.
When it comes to technology, we cannot opt for looking at the present only. We need to look beyond today to explore tomorrow’s opportunities. Maybe it’s a ‘happily ever after’? NF
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017
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