Page 10 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
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The trends and innovations shaping our world.
Behind the Scenes – Cannes 2017
Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes in Cannes? This DISCOVERY section provides a deep dive into Susana Tsui’s meet up with Olly the Robot (Olly is the brain-child of London- based startup Emotech). Together with Chelsea Chen, Emotech’s co-founder, they took to the stage at Cannes Innovation earlier this year.
This part of The EDIT also peaks behind the scenes of one of Cannes’ key note speaker — Ray Kurzweil. Kurzweil, one of the most recognised futurist, talked about how technology will merge with machines — all within the next three decades.
[E. O. Wilson, American bi
Behind the Scenes – Merge: The closing gap between technology and us
How did PHD’s latest publication Merge come to life?
We wanted to find out how some of the authors of Merge prepared themselves for writing their section of the book as well as their personal take-aways from it.
Wayne Bishop, Elda Choucair, Malcom Devoy, Phil Rowley and Holger Thalheimer do not just share their thoughts on their contribution to Merge, but they also provide advice on what we can do today to be prepared for tomorrow’s challenges.
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017