Page 8 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
P. 8
Seeing the shape of things to come
At PHD we are kind of obsessed with technology... but not because of technology. We’re slightly obsessed with it, because of what technology does.
Technology changes people. It changes what we
do and how we do it. Technology changes how
we connect and communicate, how we learn and share, how we research and find out about things — including products, services and brands.
So, understanding how technology changes people is key for us to understand the shape of things to come. This has never been truer than for the MERGE
— which will see some of the most profound changes in behaviour we’ll have ever seen.
Understanding the MERGE matters because doing so keeps us one step ahead of not just the technology and change it will drive — but ahead of the vast challenges and opportunities that MERGE technologies will create for our clients’ brands and businesses.
As the saying goes; you can fight the future or you can help forge it. Understand the MERGE matters, because seeing and understanding the shape of things to come, makes us masters of our destiny — not passive passengers along for the ride.
Building our recommendations for a Merged world
Change will never be this slow again. Not only do we have to keep pace with a changing and Merging world, but we have the opportunity and obligation
to make this understanding tangible and meaningful for our clients. From go-to-market strategies for new products and services, to next-generation media ideas and plans — the MERGE will have implications for what our clients do, and how they do it.
MERGE will change marketing.
From Bot-life integration in customer service, to data strategies that enable the surfacing of information about brands which surrounds people so that it can be accessed whenever and wherever they want.
On the way, we’ll take in marketing to the VPAs and smart assistants who’ll be making decisions and buying on our behalf, and the creation of new brand content and experiences in mixed reality and the virtual web.
These changes are inevitable, but our success in capitalising on them isn’t. Understanding the MERGE also matters because of the opportunities it presents to work with our clients and partners, leveraging MERGE technologies and new behaviours to devise strategies and recommendations that are purpose- built for a Merged world.
The engine of thought-leadership
Whilst seeing the world to come and leveraging that foresight to keep our clients ahead of the curve
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017