Page 53 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
P. 53

When parents learn their unborn child has Down Syndrome, they have around 10 days to decide whether to keep the baby or not. After initial conversations with medical professionals, Google is their next destination as they seek more information to help them make a life-changing decision.
Rather than leave expectant parents to the mercy of ‘Dr Google’, the Canadian Down Syndrome Society used Google data to give parents video responses to the 40 most commonly questions asked about Down Syndrome from the experts — people who live with Down Syndrome every day.
Making media matter
It’s easy to become cynical about Cannes’ predilection towards awarding Lions to cause- related campaigns but this campaign is a brilliant use of media to deliver important information at
a time of uncertainty for expectant parents. It’s
not just a great idea, it also shows off a search strategy that delivers high quality video responses to already common questions, improving organic search rankings that make a small charity campaign effective AND self-sustaining in the long-term.
Child Replacement Programme | Pedigree
Gold Media Lion
A campaign that appealed to empty-nesters to adopt a dog with the rallying call of “When they move out. Move on.” Pedigree did this through where parents could essentially directly replace their children by adopting a dog that matched the characteristics of their departed offspring (hair colour, level of intelligence, laziness etc). Empty nesters could even send clothes and bedding that their kids had left cluttering up their home to Pedigree to be turned into dog baskets or doggie jackets.
The intersection of cause related excellence and business success
“As the Pedigree client says in the case study video, this campaign beautifully captures “the magic connection point between dogs that need homes and homes that need dogs”. I loved that it didn’t stop at a TV ad and a website and extended the idea to a level of executional detail that resulted in Shar Pei’s wearing repurposed combat jackets. And best of all, it helped Pedigree sell a load of product.”
Down Syndrome Answers | Canadian Down Syndrome Society
Silver Media Lion
Euan Hudghton, PHD UK
Role of comms: ACTIVATING
Role of comms: ACTIVATING
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017

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