Page 55 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
P. 55
Continuity Bat | Warner Bros. The LEGO Batman Movie Bronze Branded Content Lion
Continuity Bat was a branded content partnership in which LEGO Batman became an in-vision programme announcer on Channel 4 (the UK’s third largest TV station) for four consecutive nights in the run up to the release of his first standalone movie. 18 different Channel 4 show intros were written by PHD’s content team at Drum, specially animated by Warner Bros. and voiced by Will Arnett (the voice of LEGO Batman).
When advertising doesn’t look like advertising
“Apologies for finishing with a completely partisan choice of a campaign that came out of PHD UK.
Explicit product placement in the UK is almost impossible. By licensing the Channel 4 brand and getting permission to reference some of the channel’s biggest shows, viewers experienced four days of show intros that felt like a natural part
of Channel 4’s channel branding AND the LEGO Batman universe — and it was all done without an ad agency involved.”
Euan Hudghton, PHD UK
Role of comms: REINFORCING
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017