Page 57 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
P. 57
“Cannes Lions — Festival of Creativity is the leading advertising festival around the globe and as such,
it paves the way for the future of advertising. The festival is known for in-depth discussions on the latest trends and creativity. It is also famous for showcasing the best work from all around the world — and being part of rose-soaked yacht parties was a dream that I finally achieved in its 64th edition. It was an unforgettable experience that I can now tick off my bucket list — finally, after 7 years of being in this ad mad world.
Seven days of the festival is like opening a Pandora’s box filled with the most interesting seminars, workshops, discussions, etc. It is enough action for a first-timer to get lost, but Ray Kurzweil anchoring a talk hosted by PHD was of course a ‘go to event’ for me! I am one of his biggest fans and I have followed and read about all his predictions from the 80s
and 90s which I now know became true. During his speech where he covered various topics such as the increase in use of AI for customized communication
to individuals and how AI will evolve to ultimately “Go inside our bodies and brains”, I felt I am being catapulted into the future. When he spoke about that by 2029, computers will achieve human levels of intelligence, I felt a shiver running down my spine as I thought “wow, that’s only a decade away”. It was a one-of-a-kind experience!
The whole week at Cannes has left with me with one outstanding thought — we are certainly not far from experiencing a Cannes Lions Festival managed by robots. Maybe already next year? Who knows...”
Tejas Shah PHD India
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017