Page 76 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
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as brand surveys, time spent with the content, or earned media generated.
Once we recognize and adopt this mind-set, our KPIs become clear and we can put processes into place to capture these metrics covering brand metrics, consumer behaviour and media metrics.
There is more to content strategy, however, than just short-term measurement. Content is a long-term approach, helping to build consumer engagement and brand saliency — and ultimately helping brands to grow.
6. Be courageous: Create and deliver attention- grabbing assets
If our mindset repositions brands as entertainers, the key challenge for us shifts from getting people to watch our client’s content vs. content from or client’s competitors, to getting them to watch our client’s content instead of their favourite Netflix show.
A successful content approach excels in creating attention-grabbing experiences through innovative formats, strong storytelling or a unique point of view.
When PHD was asked to help restore sales for
New Zealand’s DB breweries, it took some courage to respond with Brewtroleum, a new brand of beer by-product petrol. The campaign encouraged kiwis to save the world... by drinking beer (yes, I am
not kidding). Just in case you haven’t seen this at Cannes last year, watch it here.
The campaign was based on the idea of taking the yeast slurry from the DB export brewing process and using it to produce sustainable high-octane biofuel: Brewtroleum. If you think about it, the idea was bold, but the success also relied on client’s will to take a risk and their commitment in making it stick.
It’s not easy leaving your comfort zone, and it definitely needs commitment as well as many iterations to get things right, but ideas and strategies like this show how sometimes taking a leap of faith delivers disproportional ROI that it’s resoundingly worth it.
Michael Jordan once said: “I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.”
In other words, take a stand, have a ‘test and learn’
approach — and commit. Don’t be afraid of failure — it’s the road to success.
As consumers, all the above seems obvious. We have very high standards and expect brands to meet them. We want brands to provide us with relevant, interesting, entertaining, surprising experiences, where and when we need. And more than that, we expect them to do so seamlessly
and continuously. As marketers, we fail, however, when we stop putting ourselves in the shoes of our consumers and creating valuable experiences for them. What makes a good content strategy? It starts with changing mindsets and asking ourselves: would I read or watch this?
Stephanie Tyan PHD Singapore
(*) Source:
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017

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