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                    Chuck,                                                               “The band was                            “I like a three                    What the hell is 21  Century Folk Music?                   “Lord                                            “Keep those skinny
                           Got this CD in the mail, along with the accompanying         rockin’ at the Last                      chord song I can                                                                                                                                buns warm in that
                    note. Give it a listen and if you think it’s any good, maybe           Call Inn”                               sing along”               The folks who wrote John Henry and Froggy Went a Courtin’ and Scarborough Fair   oh
                    we’ll do an interview. Guy seems like a nut job but you never                                                                                                                                              Lord those                                             blind on the
                    can tell. – Matt Mizell, Editor, C’est La Vie Magazine                                                                                          weren’t trying to create “folk music.” They were telling stories   Chicken                                              bay”
                                                                                                                                                                        about their lives and the world in which they lived,
                           I began preparing to record Climate Change in 1961 when I sang in the first ever                                                            using language that ordinary people could understand,    Fighting
                    “battle round” with my buddy Chris on the bus ride home from St. Mary’s Elementary. Dueled                                                  with the instruments and music traditions available to them at the time.  Girls”
                    with Goodbye Cruel World. He still insists he won, but you don’t hear HIM on an album, now do
                    you?  A few years later I was thrown out of Read’s Drugstore for singing along to Ring of Fire on
                    the jukebox. When I belted it for the 8th time, a guy down from me at the lunch counter yelled
                    “son, I know love is a burning thing, but so’s my indigestion!” I called him a tool.  About this time,
                    I started picking notes on Nan’s old mandolin. Didn’t know what the notes were – still don’t, who
                    needs to know notes to write a song? – but it WAS a mystical experience, listening to the                          “Ain’t there a
                    emotions in those riffs. In 1967 my band tore it up at Riva Teen Club with me singing Mannish                          MAN
                    Boy. But I quit. I was interested in girls, and lead singers never get girls, right? I had a long term
                    plan, needed daughters to sing on Climate Change, so I went looking for a wife with good vocal                     in the house?”                                                                            I got legs I                         love to kick’em
                    DNA. Between ‘68 and ‘77, I auditioned quite a few candidates. Karen won hands down. My
                    mother was a Sinatra fan, but loved King of the Road. Called it Rat Pack Country. When she said I
                    smelled like smoke, I sang “I ain’t got no cigarettes.” She broke a paddle on my backside. Never
                    had much use for a classroom. Got my geography from Promised Land, history from The Night
                    They Drove Old Dixie Down, civics from Okie From Muskogee and sex-ed from Rag Mama Rag. I
                    played lacrosse in high school because I knew it would lead me to a curvalicious batchelorette
                    party at a karaoke bar in Cedar Grove England in 2005. That really got this thing rolling. I used to                                                  Their songs were about queens and princes,
                    sing a sweet lullaby to the girls, Long Black Veil. The social worker said that was inappropriate. I                                                 magic cambric shirts, and man against machine.
                    switched to Gimme Three Steps. Jennie fought like hell but I made her go to Elon to learn to sing                                                        Ours are about squabbling teenage girls,                   “My girl
                    harmony with those kids in Twisted Measure. Contrary Amy insisted on college. I told her                                                                                                                            now she
                    “Wadda you need that for? Don’t you remember that 7th grade talent show? Parents yakking,                                                 gluten free linguini, university safe spaces, blind dates and family vacations.   loves the
                    only listening to their own kid? I won 78 bucks betting the other dads the joint would go stone   “Don’t                                            And we’ve got a few more traditions to draw on:
                    quiet when you let loose with Hit Me With Your Best Shot.” In 1981 I heard this 9 year old   you be                                          Nashville, Bourbon St., Broadway, Big Pink, Chicago, Laurel Canyon,     finer
                    humming Life in the Fast Lane in a 7-11. Seemed to have some talent. Bryan still doesn’t know I   scared of                                          Motown, Memphis, and the Mississippi Delta.                    things”
                    told his mother to buy him that first guitar for his birthday. There’s plenty more, but just listen to
                    the songs. They should tell you all you need to know.                         a little
                                                                                                exertion”                          “Smooth on, man I                It’s a big country with a great music history.
                    Don Harrison                                                                                                   was in my groove”                              Why not use it all?                                                                 “Suave as Gable”

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