Page 19 - ملف الانجاز
P. 19
International Public School-Alexandria
ةيردنكسلإا – ةيلودلا ـــــــ ة يمسرلا ة ــــــ سردلما
October 3, 2019
ءاطعإب تماقو ةفلتخملا فوفصلاب بلاطلا عيمجل رعشلا تارشح صحفب ةسردملاب ةبيبطلا تماق
: ةيلاتلا حئاصنلا
. هريصقتو رعشلا رصق نم دبلا دلاولاا ١ -
ىعاريو تارشحلا ناضتحا ىلع دعاست اهنلأ تانبلل ايئاهن رعشلا تويز مادختسا مدع ءاجرب ٢ -
. لافطلأل فيفخ ماريس مادختسا
. هكعك وا ناصح ليذ هطبر متيو اهرعش فيفصتب تانبلا موقت ٣ -
Lice check
The school doctor has checked the hair of all our students as a precaution against
She wishes that you follow her advice concerning hair care for the benefit of our
dear students:-
1- The boys' long hair has to be cut and shortened.
2- It's better not to use any oil for the girls as hair oil helps lice to hair increase. It's
advisable to use a light hair serum instead.
3- The girls should comb their hair and tie it nicely in a pony tail style or a bun.
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