Page 2 - perfect-paragraph
P. 2

Chepen  - Peru is a tourist place for the following reasons.  It is a tourist
                  place, because of its religious beliefs and the religious events that perform

                  such as the festivity of songs and prayers, where the Chepenanos gather to
                  give thanks to God. Also Chepen- Peru is known for the folkloric events
                  that year to years are made, with the assistance of international folk groups.

                  This  event  is  about  a  week  full  of  folkloric,  where  the  groups  of  each
                  country makes their presentations in the environs of Chepen, thanks to this
                  event they meet thousands of tourists and people who live in Chepen and

                  other places.

                  [The food is very delicious, the favorite dish for tourists is the ceviche, it is

                  a  dish  that  uses  only  fish  meat,  cut  into  small  dices  and  decorated  with

                  lettuce.] I enjoyed a lot of all their dishes but favorite food was the ceviche.

                  The people are friendly; I met people from different countries of the world
                  like Mexico, Paraguay, Chile, and Colombia.

                  In  chepen  -  Peru  you  can  find  ancient  churches  and  also  very  beautiful
                  parks. Finally it was a wonderful experience to know different cultures, to
                  interact with  other people, to discover a world full  of new knowledge.  I

                  fulfilled one of my goals more desired, that was to travel to another country
                  representing the Ecuadorian folkloric
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