Page 9 - 2020 Comprehension Readings
P. 9

Lesson 3--Nuclear Energy Pros and Cons
Fewenergysourcesareasc  ontroversial asnuclearpower.Itisimportantto knowwhatthedisadvantagesofnuclearenergyarebutitise  ssential to recognize that there are also advantages to this energy. So, what are the pros and cons of nuclear energy?
What Is Nuclear Energy?
Nuclear energy is the result of what we call nuclear reactions . There are two kinds of nuclear reactions (or conversions).These conversions are changes in mass and energy.
All mass is made up of tiny atoms. Most atoms are located in the nucleus (or center) of mass. The rest of mass is distributed in a cloud of electrons that floats around the nucleus. The atoms in the nucleus are subdivided into neutrons and protons.
What Are The Pros of Nuclear Energy? Nuclear Energy Pros:
● Does not emit large amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases
● Consistent and reliable energy source
● Allows countries to become energy independent
● Low operating costs once setup
In a time where many people rightly worry about global warming, it must be said that nuclear power contributes very little to it. Why? Because its generation  only produces relatively little carbon dioxide (CO2). So, if you are concerned about the environment and, specifically, global warming, then you should consider that nuclear power is less of a polluter than other sources of energy, such as, for example, fossil fuels.
Gr. 5 Oral Comprehension Readings 9

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