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                                Our Canada Sportswear label delivers an ex-  CX2 builds on the Canada Sportswear label us-
                                clusive collection of outerwear, wovens and   ing the most technologically advanced fabrics.
                                knits in a wide range of styles, fabrics, colours
                                and sizes. Each garment designed is made to
                                     the highest quality standards.

                Canada Sportswear was founded in 1954 with    ur leather collection is made from the finest au-  Premium  fleece  and  tees  at  value  pricing.
                a vision and passion to create top quality gar-  thentic natural skins which are all hand selected.   Comfort you will want to wear all day, every-
                ments. Heritage 54  represents our continued   The skins are luxurious and supple inherent with   day !  Can be worn in various settings ranging
                diligence in providing  premium quality apparel   natural imperfections, which forms the genuine   from casual office day or chilling at home.
                     that stands the test of time.  features of a hand crafted leather garment.

               Our Hi-vis Work Wear collection features styling   Our collection covers your active, collegiate   Enduring favourites that stand the test of time in
               details that enhance your work environment by   and leisure lifestyle delivering softness with un-  the most rigorous conditions. This label delivers
               providing greater visibility, mobility, and accessi-  matched durability. Comfort garments  for the   quality and durability.
               bility while complying to CSA Z96-15. Performance   best moments in life.
               fabrication that is timeless designed to withstand
               the harshest weather elements. Garments that
                can be worn across different work functions.

                                                                   E perience the benefits of fully customi ed ap-
                                                                   parel, made to the highest quality standards.
                                Exceptional quality at unbeatable prices. These   En oy the fle ibility of mi ing and matching co-
                                  garments are made for everyday use.   lours and fabrics. Available in both domestic
                                                                          and import production.
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