Page 37 - ST-REGIS_2023
P. 37

                                                                             13.5 oz
                    On-the-Rocks                                            Deep Etch              13.5 oz
                      11.75 oz
                                            On-the-Rocks                                            Imprint
                     Deep Etch
                                              11.75 oz

           Mandelay Collection

                                                                                                  Includes Black Gift Box
           The Mandelay features cold cut sheer rims to enhance the   IMPRINTED
           taste of your favourite spirits. The tapered wide bowl is great
           for mixed drinks and fresh cocktails. Available in Sets of 2’s   CODE  DESCRIPTION  CAPACITY  72  144  288  576+
           or 4’s.                                     DCC3032   On-the-Rocks  11.75oz  9.95  9.23  8.98  8.79
           1 Colour Imprint:  1 location, setup $80(C)  DCC3033    Hiball     13.5oz  11.75  10.90  10.61  10.38
           Decorating area:  DCC3032: 1.5" x 0.75"                                   All prices include 1 location Imprint*  4C
                         DCC3033: 1.25" x 1"
                                                       DEEP ETCHED
           Deep Etch:    1 location, setup $80(C)      CODE     DESCRIPTION  CAPACITY  24    48   100   200   400+
           Decorating area:  BWG2402: 2" x 1"          BWG2402   On-the-Rocks  11.75oz  14.75  14.50  14.25  14.00  13.75
                         BWG2403: 2" x 2"
                                                       BWG2403     Hiball     13.5oz  16.95  16.70  16.45  16.20  15.95
                                                                                     All prices include 1 location Deep Etch*  5C
           Packaging     Vanguard Box (2's or 4's)

        *SETUP CHARGES APPLY. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE.                            BARWARE
        VISIT WWW.STREGISGRP.COM FOR UP-TO-DATE PRICING.                                                           37
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