Page 1 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 1
My passion in gadgets such as
internet, netbook, smartphone, and
tablet are getting wider since I
understand the benefits that I get
from them. As an English teacher I
cannot ignore the reality, that
nowadays the using of those gadgets
become more important. I can find
many sources to support my activity
from the internet.
Many people know the power of
Figure 1 The students use their gadgets to learn
search engine to find out a needed
site. There is a search engine also Even though there are several teachers
providing education platform that can who do not allow their students to use
be used as an online classroom. Of their smartphone or tablet in the
course, there are familiar online classroom, yet I am not the one of
classroom such as Quipper and them. In fact, the most favorable
Edmodo. Office tools availability and gadgets as my teaching tools and
online drive in the gadgets make me media are both of them. There are
easy to do my official job without some reasons why I favor smartphone
worrying on losing it. Furthermore, I or tablet. The first reason is the
can manage some administration availability of the internet in it. As I
staffs by using them. It can be said mention in the previous paragraph, the
that the more many tools application internet helps me to find out the
for education provided through the teaching materials. It can really
gadgets, the more easiness in connect me to the sites that I need
teaching and administering activity such as Youtube or educational sites
such as Edmodo, goggle classroom,
Quipper, busy teacher, british council,
English Grammar for You, etc.