Page 3 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 3
From my experience, I find that the Third, I prepare several short
students can focus to the Audio Visual questions and instructions for the
not more than 15 minutes. If it is more activity to make my students more
than 15 minutes, some of them start to engage in the lesson. The questions
disturb, talk, or do something else. and instruction are given orally. The
Because of that, I choose the story that questions and instruction are
has short duration. It is Pied Piper of delivered orally to give them time to
Hamelin Story which only has 9:05 expose their speaking ability and
minutes. Next, I share the video to the make the atmosphere livelier. In this
group, so every student can watch it. It is activity, I let my students speak
quite different from watching video by without correcting every single
using a big screen through projector. mistake appeared as long as the
Each student can watch the video freely. mistake is not so essential. I do this
They can replay the video as many as to avoid my students’ hesitation to
they want. speak.
Figure 4 YouTube: Pied Piper of Hamlin