Page 39 - TPA Journal May - June 2018
P. 39

quantity. It is essential for your incident com- provides on-site support to state or local
mand structure to include a Regional Medical authorized personnel on receiving, staging,
Operations Center (RMOC) as a branch within storing, dispensing, replenishing, and recov-
its Operations Section. RMOC Directors, such ering SNS assets. The TARU consist of pub-
as Steve Epley in San Antonio, are a wealth of lic health experts, logisticians, and emergency
information and capabilities when knowledge of response specialists who manage the transfer
available medical assets during an emergency are of assets to authorized state representatives
critical. Prearranged contracts for supplies, com- and provide technical assistance throughout
modities, and assets must be in place well in the event. TARU coordinate continuous con-
advance of major emergencies of any type, some- tact between local incident commanders and
thing we learned and greatly benefitted from in the Department of SNS at the Center for
San Antonio. Disease Control.

Needless to say, there are many things to consid-
Summary Technical AssistanceAttorney er when developing good emergency operations
General Ken Paxtons opinion #KP-0185, plans for a chemical, biological, or nerve agent
issued March 19, 2018, states Texas attack, but knowing which state disaster district
Occupations Code Statute 1701.655(b)(5) you belong to, how to communicate with your
requires a law enforcement agency which DDC, what an SNS push package is and how to
receives a grant for or otherwise operates a acquire one, what a CEMC is and how to prepare
body-worn camera program to establish poli- them for activation, and whats needed in terms
cy that guarantees access to recordings of of pre-planning assets for upcoming disasters is a
incidents involving an officer to that officer great place to start. The information included in
prior to making any type of statement, oral or this brief article is meant to jump-start your inter-
written, about that incident. Furthermore, said est in good emergency management and an
policy must clarify the officer s right to understanding of where you and your jurisdiction
choose which recording or recordings of an are in terms of preparation today. This type of
incident involving the officer to access before terror attack is coming our way soon and the time
making a statement about the incident. Since for action is now, beginning with education on
the first body-worn camera was issued to a how to be ready when the wolf knocks at our
Texas peace officer there have been questions door. Until next month, watch your 6 and that of
regarding officers access to recordings of your teammates.
incidents involving them. Recently there have
been attempts by special interest groups to
interfere with this right and the AG opinion
discussed in this column should clarify the Your brother in arms,
rights of all peace officers to access any form
of recorded information available before issu- Cris Andersen, Director
ing a statement and the responsibilities of Law Enforcement Division
their agencies to insure those rights are pro- United States Law Shield
tected. During a response event, the SNS
Program Technical Advisory Unit (TARU)

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