Page 25 - TPA Journal July August 2018
P. 25
Arizona v. Gant Decided in 2009, this case the Court, Gant represented no such threat,
changed the scope of when, where, and why a thereby negating the legality of the search. Per the
motor vehicle may be searched incident to the Gant decision, the police may search the
arrest of an occupant for traffic offenses, passenger compartment of a vehicle for safety
including outstanding arrest warrants for traffic purposes incident to the lawful custodial arrest of
related crimes such as driving while license an occupant when the arrestee is unsecured and
invalid, which was the nexus of the Gant case. within the reaching distance of the passenger
Having information Gant was wanted for DWLI, compartment of the vehicle at the time of the
officers observed him behind the steering wheel, police search of that vehicle. Gant was clearly
driving, and in care, custody, control, and restrained by handcuffs and secured in a locked
management of a motor vehicle being operated on police vehicle at the time his vehicle was
a public roadway. Gant was stopped and arrested, searched, and the safety prong was not applicable.
removed from the vehicle, handcuffed, and This was the first limit on police search authority
secured in a police vehicle. During a search of cited in the Gant case; however, it was not the
Gants vehicle incident to arrest and while only limit representing a variance from the old
applying the Belton standards, the officers located school practices adhered to under the Belton
a handgun and cocaine within the pocket of a rules for over 30 years.
jacket (container) lying on the back seat and Gant
The Evidentiary Prong The Gant case stressed
was subsequently charged with unlawfully
that searches of motor vehicles incident to the
carrying and possession of a controlled substance.
custodial arrest of an occupant must be based on
Gant moved to suppress the evidence located
an officer s reasonable belief that evidence
during the search by claiming the officers violated
his 4 th Amendment rights to protection from relevant to the crime justifying the arrest may be
found in the vehicle of the arrested occupant. As
unlawful search and seizure. Ultimately the S.Ct.
Gant illustrates, in most cases involving arrests
found that the search of Gants car was
unconstitutional under the 4 th Amendment and for traffic related offenses, the law enforcement
officer would not typically have a reasonable
the charges against him were reversed because the
belief the vehicle contains evidence relevant to the
search failed to uphold two key prongs which
crime of arrest. It would be unreasonable to think
must be applied to searches of motor vehicles
further evidence supporting the arrest, based on
incident to lawful custodial arrest.
prima facie evidence of a traffic offense, would be
The Officer Safety Prong Because Gant was found concealed in the passenger compartment of
removed from the vehicle, handcuffed, and the arrestees vehicle. The protection and/or
secured in a police vehicle, the Court reasoned he discovery of evidence related to an arrest for
was in no way a threat to officer safety, traffic offenses, or the evidentiary prong, is also
specifically citing his inability to recover a inapplicable in instances such as the Gant case
weapon from within the passenger compartment and most others involving traffic related crimes.
of the vehicle. Officer safety is a primary Officers should apply logic and common sense
consideration when allowing for searches of when attempting to justify a search of a motor
motor vehicles incident to arrest, and according to vehicle incident to custodial arrest based on
July/August 2018 • 866-997-8282 21