Page 7 - The directory of clinical trial unit in Thailand 2019
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งานบริการ (Service)

         Protocol development              uct (IMP) management
         Pharmacokinetics                  Clinical monitoring
         Phase I                           Data management
         EC submission
         Project management
         Feasibility & Site selection
         Patient recruitment
         Patient retention
         Investigational Medicinal Prod-

         สาขาที่มีความสนใจ,เชี่ยวชาญ (Therapeutic areas)

         Cardiology/Vascular Diseases      Obstetrics/Gynecology (Women’s
         Critical Care                     Health)
         Dental and Oral Health            Oncology
         Dermatology                       Ophthalmology
         Endocrinology                     Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery
         Family Medicine                   Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat)
         Gastroenterology                  Pediatrics/Neonatology
         Genetic Disease                   Pharmacology/Toxicology
         Healthy Volunteers                Plastic Surgery
         Hematology                        Psychiatry/Psychology
         Hepatology (Liver, Pancreatic,    Pulmonary/Respiratory Diseases
         Gall Bladder)                     Rare Diseases and Disorders
         Herbal                            Rheumatology
         Immunology                        Sleep
         Infections and Infectious Diseases  Traditional Medicine
         Internal Medicine                 Trauma (Emergency, Injury, Sur-
         Medical Devices                   gery)
         Musculoskeletal                   Urology
         Nephrology                        Vaccines Development
         Nutrition and Weight Loss

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