Page 4 - v3-HeritageGardens-TA
P. 4
My background is in funeral service,
you’ll find our story enclosed. Ours
is a profession often tarnished by
commercialization- many of the
remaining funeral providers have been
reduced to corporate sales centres who’s
high-pressure tactics give us all a bad
name. Fortunately, there are a number of
smaller, locally owned service providers,
and if you take nothing else away from
this guide- know that you will save money
and angst by working with one of them.
Thank you for reading and be sure to
reference the checklist and estate map. I
hope that this information provides you
with some direction for when it comes
time to make arrangements for yourself
or a loved one. One thing we can say for
Greetings! certain- it’s a much easier conversation
when had in advance.
You hold in your hands a guide to the
funeral and cemetery market in Metro Sincerely,
Vancouver, and an introduction to our
newly-developed, sustainable cemetery.
End-of-life preparation and planning is
one of the most significant conversations Trevor Crean
we are not having; with ourselves nor General Manager
with loved ones. Heritage Gardens Cemetery
Page 4 - Heritage Gardens