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Omega Chapter of Chi Phi | Georgia Tech | Fall 2017
Alumni Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366
OTA President Update Alumni Spotlight: Daniel Weinman ‘09
Omega Alumni, Editor’s Note: For this edition of the news-
letter, we are shining the Spotlight on Brother
hank you again for your ongoing Daniel Weinman ’09. Originally from Alpharet-
Tsupport of the Omega Chapter!
As Pat details on the next page, the ta, GA, Weinman graduated from Georgia
chapter is healthy and continuing to Tech with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.
grow after a successful rush this past While at GT, Weinman held an internship as a
fall. There are plenty of reasons for us to feel confident Mechanical Engineer at Working Buildings, an
that the chapter is in good hands! engineering consulting firm in Atlanta, GA. Af-
OTA continues to focus on our capital campaign ter graduating in December 2009, he decided
and renovation project for our beloved chapter to put his engineering career on hold and pur-
house. Our goal is to ensure the active chapter not sue his passion of playing poker. After 2 years
only has a comfortable and safe place to live and of playing online poker professionally and achieving the highest accolades
gather but also has a competitive asset for recruit- in the online realm, he began to travel the live poker tournament circuit. He
ment. We can only accomplish these goals if we has since amassed 2 World Poker Tour titles, 4 World Series of Poker Final
have your support! With $765k in pledged com- Tables and nearly $3 million in live tournament earnings. He and his girlfriend
mitments from 119 donors, our capital campaign is Marissa, whom he met at Georgia Tech, have been together for 2 years and
inching closer to our goal of $850k. Thanks to your currently reside in Boston, MA where she is finishing a PhD in Chemical En-
help, we expect to surpass our target this fall and gineering. For fun, Weinman enjoys golfing, cooking, and cryptocurrencies.
have our sights set on $1.0M. How would you describe your time happened to be Buzz, which made
As we shared earlier this year, we have decided to
push back the timeline for construction until at least at Georgia Tech? watching football games even better
as he would often spend a couple of
January 2019. Our primary reasons for this were to 1) I’ll always remember the 4.5 years I quarters of the game hanging out in
focus on fundraising, 2) allow time for cash flow from spent at GT as some of the best of my our section of the stadium.
the campaign to come in, and 3) provide time for the life. I met most of the people whom I
Atlanta construction market to cool off just a little. now consider to be my closest friends, What led you to join the Omega
The more cash OTA can collect prior to construction, many of whom were Chi Phi brothers. Chapter?
the better financing terms we will realize at closing I worked hard for my first 2 years at I honestly had no intention of joining a
and after construction is complete. Ultimately, this GT, until discovering that I wasn’t as fraternity in college. I knew little about
will provide OTA more flexibility and allow us to bet- passionate about engineering as I had them, and did not even rush my fresh-
ter support the chapter and physical property after been when I came to college. My last man year. After not enjoying my first
the project is finished. 2.5 years I kept up with my work, still year at GT very much, I rushed the sec-
We need your support to surpass our capi- graduating with honors, but focused ond year with a few friends, and we all
tal campaign goal – we can’t do it without you! more on turning my passion for poker seemed to enjoy the group of broth-
Please see back of this newsletter to learn how you into a potential career. ers and culture at the Chi Phi house
can contribute to this project. What is your favorite Omega the best.
Fraternally, memory? Outside of work, what do you do
My favorite Omega memories are go- for fun?
ing to football games with the other Work in the poker industry is very spo-
Chris Barnidge brothers. Admittedly, most of the radic in towns outside of casino cities,
Omega ‘12 memories are not fully intact, but I so I have plenty of time to pursue other look back on those times as the best. interests. I spend most of my time off
(678) 472-6171 My roommate in my final few years the poker table at the golf course. Be
(continued on page 2)