Page 2 - Gamma Tauk - Fall 2014
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CHAPTeR NeWS From the Trophy. Perhaps the most Chapter President important value upheld by our undergraduate base this year Brothers, was service. After raising over $17,500 for children’s cancer his year has shaped up to be research through St. Baldrick’s Tyet another excellent year in the spring, our chapter for Gamma Tau. The brothers here continue to hopes to raise over $30,000 for not only set a standard for Georgia Tech Greek children’s health over the year Homecoming 2014 theme - Lost in the AtlanTECH Life, but also for the rest of the GT student body. after we hold our annual FIJI Run for the kids. Chapter President this year and have high hopes This past spring marked the 31st straight year The run will take place over Thanksgiving and expectations for the future of our chapter. To our chapter has beaten the All Men’s Average, weekend, as we continue the tradition of the graduate base, thank you for your continued with our undergraduates earning a 3.3 GPA. That running a football from Gamma Tau to our support- your enthusiasm for Gamma Tau has feat marked the ffth straight semester that our brothers at the kappa deuteron Chapter at been the foundation of our continued success. chapter has improved academically. We currently Georgia. We hope you will consider donating Fraternally yours, stand at 93 men with 71 actives and 22 pledges! as an opportunity to give back with us! our brotherhood also continues to be well I am very thankful for the culture of known for its outstanding athletics. With a excellence established within our chapter, along 54-point lead and one phase to go, we are well with numerous long-lasting friendships I have Gregory M. o’Neal on our way to yet another Fraternity Intramural been given here. I have been honored to serve as President, Phi Gamma delta Chapter Spotlight ANdReW TAyLoR Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter Outside of school, what do you do for fun? as Spotlight is Senior and recent IFC Music. Watching music and playing guitar are Scholarship recipient Andrew Taylor. From two of my biggest interests. Recently, a group the hometown of Marietta, GA, Andrew is working toward his degree in Industrial of undergraduate brothers have started a house Engineering with a 3.95 GPA and is set to band, and we’ve been playing about once a week. Although I’ve been playing for about 5 years now, graduate this December. Our current Social this is my frst time playing in a group, and I have Chair, he has also served as Scholarship Chair, Social Chair, and on the Executive to say that it’s been a great creative outlet when Committee. Andrew has interned with school gets stressful. There’s also a large group of people in the house who go to Atlanta-area SunTrust and Coca-Cola, and has also worked concert venues on a regular basis. For example, as a Phoneathon employee for Tech Alumni. Outside of school, Andrew enjoys playing I’ll be going to John Butler Trio in a few weeks guitar with his Gamma Tau brothers and with a couple of brothers. visiting his family cabin in Massachusetts. Any plans for after graduation? After I graduate in december, I’ll be starting work How has your experience improved since Tech campaign, an initiative that highlighted with kurt Salmon, a global management and moving back into the chapter house? philanthropic giving for the construction of consulting frm that focuses in the retail industry. Well, I originally thought that moving out of buildings around campus. We successfully I’m excited to pursue a career in consulting, and Creighton-Veil Hall would be painful, and it installed 52 signs, developed a professional- the retail industry lends itself extremely well to was – at least while we were living in North grade website (, and my interests in problem-solving within the supply Avenue apartments without a common area executed a campus-wide event at the end of the chain function area. I start in February 2015, and spend time together. However, since I’ve been campaign. It was one of my most memorable in the meantime, I’m very excited to spend a two- in brand-new Landon-Nelson Hall, I’ve grown experiences at Tech. week vacation with my family in New Zealand over to appreciate the differences between old and How did you beneft from your recent internships? the winter break and get settled in a new apartment. new, which can vary from a washer and dryer Throughout my time as an industrial that don’t take quarters to an awesome second engineer here, I’ve had the chance to foor lounge. All of the undergraduate brothers work as a co-op student with Coca-Cola would say the same, and we appreciate the Refreshments and as an intern for SunTrust time, effort, and fnancial contributions from Banks, Inc. each job was relevant to graduates that have made this possible. industrial engineering in a unique way, What type of work are you doing with the GA allowing me to develop as a student and Tech Student Foundation? professional outside of my academic experience. At SunTrust, I worked on the I’ve worked with Georgia Tech Student Lean Six Sigma team, and I learned how Foundation (GTSF) since I was a freshman in to apply a structured form of problem various capacities. This organization teaches solving to business problems. At Coca- undergraduates the value of giving back to Tech Cola, I worked on two different teams, and invests an endowment of its own that funds both of which used supply chain network clubs around campus. My favorite experience modeling to analyze the best way to bring Andrew at an event during the Philanthropy at Tech campaign - part of the with GTSF was with the Philanthropy at Coca-Cola products out to customers. Ga Tech Student Foundation.
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