Page 4 - Kai from Pi - Spring 2018
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Pi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity
Indiana University
Alumni Relations Office
P.O. Box 80828
Atlanta, GA 30366
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Congratulations to our
2018 Graduates!
Listed below are graduates by name and hometown.
Benjamin K. Bach, Bloomington, IN Mitch Mackesey, Indianapolis, IN
Evan L. Beeson, Thief River Falls, MN Patrick W. Manning, Hinsdale, IL
James J. Bennett, Indianapolis, IN Jack Mcgeehan, Wayzata, MN
Dominic J. Bruni, Hebron, KY Michael Mchugh, Indianapolis, IN
Pat S. Burba, Grayslake, IL Jack R. Mcnamara, Arlington Heights, IL
Adam Burnam, Bloomington, IN Tyler Mehay, Munster, IN
Jarred Caccappolo, New York, NY Michael A. Minatel, Granger, IN
Beta biker Jonathan Jaggard (blue jersey in front of the photo) Ryan E. Coughlin, Midland Park, NJ nicholas J. Mpistolarides, Indianapolis, IN
during this year’s Little 500!
nick Day, Northbrook, IL Jules nazzaro, Leawood, KS
Ty Dongoski, Kildeer, IL
oseJalu obeime, Zionsville, IN
SoCial Update Anthony R. Doran, Haworth, NJ Joseph N. Pillarella√Munster, IN
Landon Dungo, Indianapolis, IN Ben Richter√New Palestine, IN
by Joey O’Keefe Benjamin Dean Elliott, Noblesville, IN nick Row, Waterloo, IL
Over the period of time where the IFC had imposed a suspen- Andrew F. gjertsen, Winnetka, IL nathaniel Rub, Miami, FL
sion, we have worked with several sororities to continue our great William R. gorgol, Fishers, IN Branden Sammons, Greenwood, IN
relationships. We have also started to have dry functions at least Andrew gretencord, Fishers, IN Jason P. Schwenk, Indianapolis, IN
twice a month where we are pairing with various sororities and Harrison Holt, Bethesda, MD nathan Upchurch, Appleton, WI
having a nice dinner in which we can interact without the presence Brian King, Lincolnwood, IL Phillip M. Vdovets, Northbrook, IL
of alcohol. Bennett Kinzel, Westlake, OH Michael Wayne, Clarkston, MI
After very successful qualifications, we were very proud of our
Little 5 team for placing eighth in the 2018 race on April 21. After Robbie Larson, Edina, MN nick Wilde, Noblesville, IN
200 laps on the track, their final time was 2:10:20.069—only about Matthew Lorah, Indianapolis, IN Jonathan Wood, Fort Wayne, IN
one second behind the first-place team. Eric S. Macken, Riverside, CT Ben Yamaguchi, Wilmette, IL
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