Page 4 - Eta Survey - Fall 2015
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Paradies (Continued from Page 1) stop in and see the Department Head who and they eventually told helped me get approved so fast, Dr. Barclay us that we could do this Jones. It happened that he was headed over but not through DuPont. to a symposium that was sponsoring human They allowed us to start a factors and nuclear engineering. I couldn’t company on the side and go but he provided a paper being given by develop training in our non- Dr. Charles O. Hopkins about human factors work time. This eventually and Three Mile Island. I found it very interesting led to a contract with and was the frst student to join a joint Nuclear the Nuclear Regulatory Another hobby - Mark’s R8. Engineering/Psychology Department program Commission to develop a researching human factors and nuclear power system that they could use plants. Both Dr. Jones and Hopkins became to study the causes of human error. That was were in college) went to work on weekends my advisors and mentors and I found a subject enough work to leave my other job and start and holidays. We built roads, cleared land that I loved. The research I did led to my frst working for System Improvements full time. for a barn and houses, and I now have two houses, a barn, a shooting range, and a boat What type of travel have you done for dock! Also, I still travel a little. This year I’ve the job? been to Las Vegas, Italy, and Seattle, and I’m They had a commercial that went … “Join the off on a trip next week to Ireland. Finally, Navy, See the World.” But starting System I have a 19-month-old granddaughter, Abbey Improvements I traveled and saw more of the (child of my daughter Amy)! Anyone who is a planet than I did in the Navy! I’ve traveled all grandparent knows how much fun that is. over the US and Canada, Mexico, Thailand, What advice about leadership can you Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, give to the alumni and young actives? The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Hungary, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Saudi First, living in the house and participating in Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE. It’s amazing keeping it running was great leadership training. to see how we can help people all over the I remember taking over the job running the world learn to fx problems effectively. kitchen at midterm but the guy running it the frst semester had used up half of my budget. It How do you help companies improve was great leadership and management training their performance? budgeting, negotiating with vendors (buying We teach a systematic process called beef on the hoof and getting it butchered), and running the kitchen staff (we actually produced Mark in Alaska at the Double Musky Inn TapRooT® that helps people get to fxable the meals on site back then and had a full time root causes of human performance and (great food!). cook, Margaret, - I even cooked on weekends). equipment related problems. The system Also, I learned sales skills the semester I was in is used by major industrial companies (like charge of rush. We had a lot of people graduating job after I left Illinois and the Navy (working Exxon, Chevron, Exelon, Rio Tinto, and and we needed a pledge class of 12 people (which for DuPont) and eventually to starting my own Intel), hospitals, transportation (airlines, was a really big pledge class back then when we company (System Improvements). shipping, pipelines, and rail), and service had a house size of 30 people who all lived in the companies around the world. We do courses house). And the same guys that I recruited, I ended How did you end up starting your own on every continent (except Antarctica) with up being their pledge master (Junior Tribune). So company? our 50 instructors around the world. participate as much as you can afford. While working for DuPont, I developed a system to help people fnd the root causes of Outside of work, what do you for fun? Even when I returned to the University, incidents. I gave some talks at professional I bought 110 acres of lakefront property at I got involved being President of the building society meetings and people started asking how auction a little over three years ago and it was association for a year and later, helping lead they could learn more. One of my coworkers and completely undeveloped. I decided to “Just the fund raising drive to rebuild the chapter I went to site management and asked if we could Do It” so I bought a bulldozer, an excavator, house. It was all hard work but also a great provide training for others outside DuPont, and a dump truck and with my kids (who learning experience. Chapter Eternal Leave A Legacy Charles William Beile ’42 Richard R. DeWitt ’49 Frank C. Riley ’56 onsider a lasting gift that will support Kappa Delta John E. Henry ’64 Lawrence A. Cox ’69 CRho long after you are gone. By including Eta in your estate plans you ensure the long-term health and success of We are deeply saddened to report years. Larry worked as an engineer our fraternity. Here’s what you and/or your advisor might that Brother Larry Cox (pictured left) for Pratt & Whitney from 1970-1977, need to know: Most common ways to include Eta are through passed away in June this year. Larry and then when he graduated from the your will or life insurance. Sample language: I leave the and his family lived in Avon, CT for 20 University of Connecticut Law School sum of ($xxxxxx.xx or xx% of my estate) to: Eta Building years before moving to Stamford, CT, in in 1977, he worked for a Hartford law Association of Kappa Delta Rho tax id # (37-6048873) c/o the 2004 where he worked for the Law Firm frm for 7 years before leaving to work National fraternity of Kappa Delta Rho, 331 S. Main Street, of Kelley Drye & Warren LLP as Senior for the CIGNA Corporation. Larry, Counsel for 7 years. Before this, he you will be missed, but never Greensburg, PA 15601, for their general purposes. served as an Assistant General Counsel forgotten ** This information is not presented as legal or tax advice. Always for the CIGNA Corporation for 20 consult your advisors for questions you may have.** Alumni communication services provided by Elevate | | 770-903-3987 | @elevateims
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