Page 2 - The Lamppost - Fall 2014
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Chapter News TKE TKE TKE TKE TKE TKE TKE From the for achievement in: Academic on the Housing Extracurricular Success, Board. These men Prytanis Activities, Alumni Relations, are willing to help Community Service, Chapter at any moment Size, and Recruitment. Our and deeply espite the injury to men are hard-working and it care about their D Braxton Miller’s has truly been a pleasure to fraternity and its shoulder, the Omicron serve as President. future. Although chapter has started this In my fnal newsletter as their work is often school year off in tremendous fashion. At 87 Prytanis, I want to sincerely unrecognized, active members, and a new member class of thank the many alumni that have TKE presented Ohio State IFC’s All-Sports Award our Housing 15 for autumn semester, TKE continues to contributed their time, money, for fraternity league championships in fag football, Board keeps the basketball, dodgeball, soccer, and bench press. be among the largest and most prestigious and energy to ensure Omicron’s fraternity running fraternities at Ohio State. This semester the bright future. A strong alumni base is essential and they truly embody the TKE spirit of undergrads have pledged to contribute more for a strong fraternity and there are so many ’fraternity for life.’ I am confdent that all of funds to house improvement, and the work is ways to give back to the chapter, especially our alumni would be impressed and proud of well under way to improve the chapter room after graduation. Whether it is participating the current state of our chapter, and I am very and foyer. Our house is undoubtedly our in an alumni work day, attending our annual excited to see what Omicron’s future holds. biggest asset, and as it ages it requires extra Homecoming pig roast, or stopping by 234 Yours in the Bond, care and maintenance. E. 17th Ave. to share stories, it is the existing We are also pleased to announce that and new traditions that make Omicron so over the summer Omicron won all six special. I would also like to give a special Robby Mulvey Excellence Awards from TKE Headquarters thanks to our graduated brothers serving O-2224 Chapter Spotlight: Mitch Anderskow Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as Spotlight is How did you beneft from your recent Frater Mitch Anderskow – a fourth-year student in chemical internship? engineering with a minor in Economics. From the hometown My recent internship was working as a of Morrow, OH, Mitch came to Ohio State after spending a year Chemical Sales Intern for Stepan Company in Geneva, Switzerland with his family during his senior year in Chicago, Illinois. It was very benefcial in high school. Our current Epitrytanis and past Academic to me mainly because of the real-world Chair, Mitch is also involved on campus as the Social Chair experience it provided. In college it is all for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and is a about learning technical skills in classroom, mentor for LASER. Mitch holds the title of 2013 Ohio State so to be able to utilize my skills in a situation Intramural bench press champion and can bench 300 lbs!! where I was actually making an impact on a real business was great. I also became What led you to join Omicron as a get more much more effcient on the business side of freshman? involved with things, as much of the program was focused I joined Omicron as a freshman because I the Columbus on selling skills, commercial training, and always knew I wanted to do Greek Life due community. persuasive communication. Overall, the to the great leadership, networking, and LASER stands for the Latino and Latin experience left me much more confdent in philanthropy benefts it provided. During American Space for Enrichment and Research my ability to be able to transition from the rush, the guys in Omicron always made me and as a scholarship recipient from Ohio classroom to a full-time job. feel really welcome and I liked that they State’s Offce of Diversity, I thought joining were already very well established within this group would be a good opportunity to Outside of school, what do you do for fun? the Ohio State community. Deciding to join give back. One of my TKE brothers, Jose Whenever I have free time, you can usually TKE Omicron was hands down one of the best Carillo, was actually already a mentor and fnd me hanging out with some of my brothers. decisions I have made in college. he introduced me to the right people and Whether it be playing videogames or competing helped get me into the program. Since then in intramural sports (Omicron chapter won I’ve been meeting every week with a local How did you become a mentor for LASER? high school student in order to help him out the football, basketball, and indoor soccer I had always been pretty involved on campus, with homework, college applications, and fraternity league intramural championships and last year I decided it would be good to any general questions he may have. last year), I really enjoy activities that get Anderskow (Continued on Page 4) TKE TKE TKE TKE TKE TKE TKE TKE TKE
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