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Sigma Chi Fraternity  |  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  |  Fall 2012
                                  Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |

                                        Alumni Spotlight Member: Robert Dauphinais’98

           In This Issue:
                                       Editor’s  Note:    For  this  edition  of  The  Illinois  Sig  we’re  shining  the  Spotlight
       Spotlight ..............................1  on  Robert  Dauphinais’98.  Rob  is  the  Executive  Director  at  the  Illinois  PGA
       President’s Report ...............1  Foundation.  As a past Balfour Fellow of the Year (99), and current Charles A.
                                       Kiler Award winner (2012), Rob continues to be a leader for Sigma Chi.  Read on
       From the Consul ..................3  to learn more about Rob, and what he is up to today!
       Fall Recruitment ..................3
       Homecoming 2012 ..............3  What brought you to the Kappa Kappa house  to  hold  several  house
                                      back in school?
                                                                                positions  that  included
       Member Spotlight ...............4  The  honest  answer  is  that  I  rushed  Sigma  Chi  Rush  Chair,  Magister,
       Chapter Officers ..................4  because I wanted to meet new people and go to  Consul  and  while  in
       Alumni News ......................5  cool parties.  Brian Neisweinder ’98 was a friend  graduate  school  served
       Thank You Eric Rahn! .........5  I met in Westin Hall and he brought me over to the  as   Balfour   Fellow
                                                                                (known today as the Fisher Scholar).  Each was a
                                      chapter house in spring 1995.
       Kappa Kappa Corp Board ...5        My pledge brothers still kid me to this day  learning experience and I am particularly thankful
       Chapter Eternal ...................6  because I showed up to the first event with long,  for  the  Balfour  Fellowship  as  it  made  graduate
                                      slicked back hair, black jeans, and a black leather  school affordable and a reality for me.
                                      jacket.    Sadly,  only  the  jacket  remains  today.      I  was  also  fortunate  to  intern  for  Steve
                                      Going  into  rush  I  had  also  heard  that  Kappa  Sarovich  ’75  in  1996  when  he  co-chaired  the
      Friendship                      Kappa’s pledgeship was not about hazing and in  house  restoration  campaign.    Steve  was  a  great
                                      fact had a constructive purpose which was very  mentor and today is someone who I still admire
                                      appealing.                                for  his  dedication  to  the  chapter.    During  that
           Justice                      fun with us as pledges and vice versa, but I recall  various  decades  and  was  impressed  with  how
                                          Once we got into it, sure the actives had some  summer, I met a lot of Kappa Kappa alumni from

                                      a lot of positives made on our behalf throughout  much they cared about 410 East John Street.
                                                                                    I  think  that  experience  provided  me  an
         Learning                     pledgeship and because of it have a lot of great    understanding and appreciation of what a special
                                                                                place the chapter house is to so many people and,
                                      How were you involved with the chapter?   while an undergraduate, I felt a responsibility to
                                      I was at University of Illinois for six years so I had  do my small part to help look after it.
                                      plenty of chances to get involved.  I was honored          Church, Continued on Page 2

                                                         President’s Report Fall 2012

                                           fter  an  excellent  2011-2012  school  year,
                                       Ait  appears  the  undergraduate  chapter  is
                                       off to a very good start for the 2012-2013 year.
                                       Despite the past success, each year starts anew
                                       with challenges for the undergraduates and their
                                       leaders.   For the most part, undergrads now only
                                       live  in  the  house  their  sophomore  and  junior
                                       years.  This means the primary officers for the
                                       fall semester are being elected in the spring of
                                       their sophomore year when they have not had a
                                       great deal of opportunity to serve in other offices
                                       and grow in wisdom and experience.  One of the
                                       primary goals of the Kappa Kappa Corp Board is
                                       to advise and provide guidance to the undergrads
                                       to achieve success.                      Kappa Kappa Corporation President Alex Padgett places the
                                          As  board  members,  we  have  encouraged  names of Matt Miazga, Rob Dauphinais, and Jack Davis on the
                                                      President, Continued on Page 6  Charles A. Kiler Award plaque.
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