Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2012
P. 4

Chapter News

        Chapter Spotlight: Jack Etchingham  ’14

                                             that I wanted to run for executive
         Editor’s  Note:    Jack,  legacy  and  younger
         brother to Pat Etchingham ’10, is the current   house  positions  because  I  firmly
         chapter  Consul.    From  the  hometown  of   believed  in  what  I  was  taught  as
         Arlington  Heights,  IL,  Jack  is  working   a  pledge  and  when  I  initiated.
         toward his degree in Finance and I.T.  Read   However,  some  of  the  things
         on to find out more about our chapter leader!  that  we  were  taught  as  pledges
                                             and  during  initiation  can  get  lost
                                             at  a  40,000  person  institution  Jack making a presentation during Homecoming 2012 to alumni,
                                             with  demanding  academics  and   undergraduates, and pledges regarding the  Chapter’s involvement
                                             a  vibrant  student  life.  More  than   in the Balfour Leadership Training Workshop.
                                             anything, I wanted to run for Consul because  summer, I am interning at an accounting firm
                                             I wanted to remind the Chapter as much as I  in Chicago. While I do not know if this is
                                             could as to why we were all Sigma Chis, for  what life has planned for me, I do know that
                                             the brotherhood and scholarship. I never want  it will give me more experience from which
                                             our chapter to lose sight of the larger purpose  to draw a better understanding of what it is
                                             of our lives as Sigs and that is the main reason  I want to do with my life. Hopefully, after
                                             I wanted to be Consul.               working this summer I will have a better idea
                                                                                  of what I will do after graduation.
                                             What are your thoughts about where the
                                             chapter is headed?                   What do you do for fun?
                                             I  think  our  chapter  is  headed  in  a  great  My  friends  always  make  fun  of  me  for
                                             direction.  First  off,  our  chapter  recognizes  being a simple person and what I do for fun
                                             the importance of our ritual and truly respects  is no different. I play sports, hang out with
                                             what  it  stands  for.  Also,  we  have  created  friends, listen to music, and immerse myself
                                             an  atmosphere  of  campus  involvement,  in whatever interests me at the present time.
                                             whether it be engineering honor societies or  Although  it  may  seem  boring  and  cliché,
                                             Interfraternity  Council  executive  positions.  these are the things that make me happy and
        Jack with his pledge brother Bill Renwick (l).
                                             Also,  we  raised  more  than  $13,000  dollars  I imagine that this is how I will have fun for
        What brought you to Sigma Chi?       this  year  through  Derby  Days,  as  well  as  a long time.
        First  off,  I  knew  that  Sigma  Chi  was  one  winning  Kappa  Kappa  Gamma  and  Alpha
        of  the  biggest,  most  prestigious  fraternities  Chi Omega’s annual philanthropies. Putting
        in  the  country  before  I  arrived  on  campus.  this  all  together,  I  firmly  believe  Kappa   Chapter Officers
        My brother, Patrick Etchingham ’10, is a  Kappa will continue to thrive on campus.  Consul: John (Jack) R. Etchingham
        Sigma Chi, and a former Magister, so I had
        an inkling of what made Sigma Chi special  How  do  you  juggle  Finance  and  IT  at   Pro Consul: Michael T. Bellah
        before  I  arrived  in  Champaign.  However,  school?                      Annotator: William T. Renwick
        Patrick gave me the freedom to make my own  Juggling finance and IT in school is just like   Quaestor: Kevin J. Dailey
        decision, and I rushed a couple of different  juggling anything else in life. In college, we   Magister: Robert F. Merlo
        fraternities here on campus. In the end, what  all recognize that our education is preparing   Recruitment Chair:Harrison C. Meyer
        I felt at Sigma Chi was special. Seniors were  us for a lifetime of work and achievement.   Tribune: Robert F. Merlo
        introducing themselves to me, and although  My  parents  have  always  emphasized
        at  first  I  merely  thought  they  were  just  education and I have realized here on campus   Scholarship Chair: Kris Friedlein
        rushing me, I soon saw how they interacted  that as long as you put the work into your   Kustos: Vincent D. Carballo
        with the sophomores in the house, and how  schooling, it will work out. Therefore, I try   Risk Mgmt Chair: Holden B. Orler
        genuine all of the friendships were between  to plan out my classes as much as possible.
        people of all ages. Put simply, the atmosphere  When I feel overwhelmed by school, I try to
        of friendship was something I knew I wanted  relax by heading back to the chapter house
        to be a part of, and that was what drew me to  and just hanging out with friends. By doing
        Sigma Chi.                           so, I have found the stress of balancing two
                                             majors much easier.
        How  has  your  membership  encouraged
        you to represent the chapter as President?  Do  you  have  any  plans  yet  for  after
        Just as with any organization we choose to  graduation?
        become a part of, Kappa Kappa did not come  Just  like  any  other  college  student,  I  have
        without faults. I decided during my Initiation  no concrete plans for after graduation. This
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