Page 4 - Eta Survey - Spring 2014
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Whitney Camp Fuji soccer tournament (MCCAIN To view more of Jon’s photos, visit ship team “Big Bad John”) I’m #12 top (Continued from Page 1) row second from right. My counterpart on the ROK-N destroyer, exchanging gifts (he gave me a ship’s coffee mug and I gave him a MCCAIN shot glass, go fgure!) multi-national exercises while on MCCAIN. Getting to ride on the ROK’s newest guided missile destroyer, Seoae Ryu Seong-ryong How often do you get the chance to pick (DDG-993), was very eye-opening. Because it up your violin? was nearly two decades newer than MCCAIN, When we were underway, I tried to play at many of its electronics and amenities were least an hour or more every day (and even highly modernized such as touch screen played one evening the Navy hymn Eternal LCD monitors in CIC with picture-in-picture Father Strong to Save for the evening prayer). capability was very “Gucci.” However, I I would emphasize to all of my sailors could live without the raw squid for breakfast! the importance of trying to maintain OSP (Operation Sanity Preservation) by taking How did you pass the time when off duty? a few hours out of the day to do something Off the ship it was great to get as far away from they enjoyed. If you didn’t you were almost base as possible: ski trips to Hakuba, Nagano guaranteed to burn out and become ineffective (short bullet train ride away) or spending the rather quickly. I would play in port as well, Jon Whitney ’09 made a single weekend trip to the US from weekend biking around Kyoto or Osaka. Even usually along with the Sunday chapel services, Japan to attend the wedding of Jess and Thomas “TK” catching a conventional train to Yokohama (40 but if we were in port I liked singing karaoke Kennedy ’11 in Chicago. mins away) for a baseball or soccer match or with friends. even Tokyo (1 hr away) to go to the Ueno Zoo National Fraternity DOUBLES In were always great, affordable fun. If I had to What are your plans after your time as a Size; Credits “Living Our Values” stay close I would spend the time as musically Recruiter is completed? as possible, either playing or going to one of At the moment I am leaning towards attending Kappa Delta Rho is a social fraternity with the many karaoke bars in the area. the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey, chapters on 38 college campuses across the CA to study some sort of international United States. Since 2007, undergraduate What excursions did you enjoy most? relations or foreign affairs programs, possibly membership has skyrocketed 109% according Skiing Nagano and seeing the snow monkeys with an emphasis on the Asian, East Asian the Executive Director, Joe Rosenberg. He told there, climbing Fuji, and biking all over Kyoto region. That would most likely also involve Phired Up’s Josh Orendi, “KDR chapters are and seeing the Golden Palace (world heritage transferring from the Surface Warfare Offcer living our values, expecting Social Excellence, site) are probably my top 3 favorite trips. (ship driving) community to the Foreign Area and using Dynamic Recruitment.” The last Offcer community. Who knows, though, I 6 years have produced record breaking growth Any trips home to the USA or visitors did audition at Maryland’s School of Music for the fraternity. On March 17th, Josh caught from home? this past January, but I don’t think they liked up with Joe for a conversation about KDR’s I made one short trip back “home” to Chicago the fact that I presently had other considerable recruitment success: (actually from the St. Louis area) for the time obligations. Or if some alumni buddies Phired Up: Will you share KDR’s growth Thomas Kennedy ’11 and Jessica Lipski pitch an offer that’s too good to refuse, I numbers over the last 6 years? wedding last year and my last roommate in the could certainly see myself contributing to the house, Bruce John (BJ) Jacobson ’09, came engineering industry if it were the right ft. Joe: Here is the report I recently gave our Board out for a little over a week this past summer. of Directors. What advice can you give your fellow alumni about staying in touch? Snow monkeys chillin’ in the hot springs of Nagano Region 2007 2013 Growth Prefecture. Just make the effort. It is so easy with today’s available technology. You really can shrink Northeast 242 460 90% an ocean’s distance to mere microns with the effort of just a few simple, well-placed Central 192 391 104% key strokes! The friends made during our Midwest 200 421 111% undergraduate years are such a priceless, life- South 141 348 147% long resource that should never be neglected. And with that, I’m looking forward to seeing Total 775 1620 109% other fellow Eta alumni this very weekend up from D.C., Mr. Andrew Kraus ’10! Read the article in its entirety at http://blog. Thank you Brother Whitney for your service! Alumni communication services provided by Te Laurus Group | | 770-903-3987 | @thelaurusgroup
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