Page 3 - The Delta Shield - Fall 2014
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ChAPter NewS AlumNi NewS Chapter Eternal Congratulations to Jim French ’56 (pictured top left) for being inducted into the Order of the SC! We are saddened to have learned of the passing of the following TN Congratulations to our spring 2014 Alumni Delta brothers. Our deepest sympathies Spotlight French Hill ’76! (pictured to their friends and families. bottom right) French won the U.S. House of Representative seat for Arkansas’s 2nd District Dewitt G. Courtney ’46 in the November election, narrowly beating out Democratic challenger Patrick Henry Hays. Coyne D. DeMaray ’77 Dewitt “Tony” Courtney Jr. ’46 passed away in last June just a few minutes after his 85th birthday. Tony was an Air Force veteran and enjoyed a long career at Kennedy Space Center as an electrical engineer. He will be remembered as an avid fsherman. He enjoyed music and have Alumni News? played fute and harmonica and was a member of the Community Band of Brevard for several years after his e want to hear from you! Send your retirement. He and his wife Pat were Wpersonal updates, accomplishments, active members of Space Trackers Presenting Kristin Shorter with the National adventures, and photos to our Account Square Dance Club. His hobbies Phi Kappa Psi Greek Advisor of the biennium. Manager Kasey Breedlove at kbreedlove@ included building and shooting black, or simply fll out the tear- (pictured above left to right as: Chapter Advisor away form at the bottom of your cover letter powder guns, stamp and coin collecting Art Johnsen, Kristin Torrey (Director of Greek and return it in the mail. We want to share it in and completing models and puzzles. Life) second from left, President Brian Rizzo, the next issue of The Delta Shield! He will be missed by his large family Hunter Price, Tyler Bishop, Dan Weitz). and many friends. GaC! (Continued from Page 1) the Chapter was was a movement to start a viral campaign singled out for of “GAC selfes” via Twitter, and no truer its academic words followed than by our very own Chuck standing with two Higgins, “My wife takes selfes.” Though awards. this rocky start had me checking fights C h r i s home, I stayed long enough to receive Fitzgerald shared some gracious awards on behalf of our his experience chapter. It started with Byron Cain shedding Chuck higgins and Chris Fitzgerald accept one of two at the national a single tear as our banner was risen again prestigious academic awards given to Tennessee Delta. meeting for to celebrate our chapter’s return. Then we Tennessee Delta’s archon the news;etter. received the highest honors in our academic resort’s luxurious pools. All of the fanfare Nathan Markiewitz presided “Representing the achievements, Summa Cum Laude status. came to an end with a marvelous banquet in over the District IV luncheon. Tennessee Delta Shortly after, while still riding the high of which Vanderbilt’s own Kristen Torrey won chapter I had our previous awards, we earned a title for the Best Fraternity Adviser in the nation for the honor to attend our fraternity’s national Academic Improvement. At this point we her work done with our chapter. I am proud to meeting, the Grand Arch Council, in the had been celebrated so much I began to feel have represented our chapter at the GAC and sweltering heat of Arizona. Early on there overwhelmed with it all and I retreated to the I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again.” Chapter advisor Chuck higgins, undergrad Chris Fitzgerald, and alum John Murray at the at the order of the sC Banquet, several Tennessee Deltans congratulated Jim French for his induction Tennessee Delta delegates table in the Convention hall. into that order. left to right, Brothers Byron Cain, John Murray, Jim French and Richard Daley.
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