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Teta Chi at Adrian College | Spring 2013 | Zeta Beta Chapter | Alumni Relations Ofce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987

Decker Dispatch Renovations to Make 2013 A Busy Year

s I write to you in t appears that 2013 is going to be a very busy
Athe midst of a new Iyear for renovations to the chapter house. By
and exciting year, I think the end of the year major changes are anticipated
about all the new ideas to all four levels of the house. “Tis is defnitely
that have come up since the most exciting time since I have been on the
my last column. A promise House Corporation,” stated Joseph Decker ’05.
that was made to you by Led by Greg Wicking ’86, Chair, Facilities,
the House Corporation a walk-thru and discussion of the current
was that we would be a forward thinking condition of the house took place in December.
organization looking for new ways promote Te purpose was to start to fnalize the scope and
our core concepts of facilities, fundraising, develop a starting date for the last anticipated Chapter house has big renovations planned for 2013.
communications, and leadership. What you infrastructure project – the plumbing. Included
will read in this newsletter will hopefully in the process were Decker, past Chapter Te two rooms on this foor were once bedrooms
show you that we’ve employed new ways of President Garrett Beitelschies ’13 and Adrian but have been taken ofine for many years due
thinking to accomplish these things. College ofcials, VP, Business Afairs, Jerry to safety and fre hazard by the College and City
Te Alumni Association has changed Wright, Dean of Students Troy Schmidli ’02, of Adrian. Plans now call for the smaller room
their approach to hosting social gatherings and Site Manager for Campus Services, John on the left to become secure storage for ritual
outside of the traditional Homecoming and Johnston. equipment and other special items. Te room
golf events. Under the leadership of Jim Te project will include all three bathrooms on the right will be an Executive Ofce, which
Grissinger ’90, they’ve come up with what and plumbing throughout the house. Because will provide a workspace for executive ofcers of
I think is a tremendous opportunity for of the amount of walls and ceilings that will be the chapter and their committees.
alumni to connect with not only each other, opened up, it has not been practical to move Tis spring’s other renovation event was a
but with the active brothers in the frst-ever forward with any other projects that could number of presentations from students in the
Founders Day Event. potentially have to be redone. In addition, a College’s design department. Last summer the
Te House Corporation has gone in great deal of time and planning has taken place department was asked if it would like to use
a diferent direction in how we handle our to ensure the plumbing project is executed the chapter house for a “senior project.” During
communications duties by the addition of properly. the fall semester, teams of students were tasked
a new position, Chair of Communications, Also on the list of projects to start with creating renovation designs for the entire
immediately is the renovation of the third foor.
DECKER, continued on page 4 HOUSE, continued on page 4

Busy Year Ahead for Alumni Association - See Page 4 for Story
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