Page 4 - 315 Connection Spring 2013
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Busy Year Ahead for Alumni Association

he Zeta Beta Alumni Association has annual golf outings in Cleveland and and a committee has met to start putting
Tcontinued to grow as an organization Metro Detroit. Tis group has planned the together three days of events. Te Alumni
and in the number of events it has taken Homecoming events since the 45th. Tis Association promises the 50th will have
on. Te idea of an Alumni Association year, another new event, Founders Day some of the same great things we’ve done
was created when the House Corporation Weekend, will be launched at the chapter in the past, along with programs and events
identifed their core responsibilities. It was house. we’ve never tried, which should enhance
decided that social events would not be Jim stated that the primary goal of the weekend for all our brothers.
one of them and that it was better left to a the events is “for everything to lead up to In order for the Association to be
separate group with that sole focus. a great 50th Anniversary in 2014.” In fact, successful, it takes many volunteers
Since 2009, Jim Grissinger ’90 has planning for that event has already started pitching in. Tere is always a need for more
been the driving force behind the volunteers to help plan, execute,
events Zeta Beta has had. Jim chaired and even host events. Te direction
the committee that planned the 45th of the group is to have some events
Anniversary. From that experience in Adrian, but to also host events
and his previous leadership as a wherever brothers are willing to
Chair of the House Corporation, meet.
he stepped in and has tried to fnd If you would like to inquire about
events that can bring brothers back helping on a project or have an event
together. idea, please contact Jim at 440-476-
Many Alumni Association 8550 or Jim.Grissinger@polyone.
volunteers have helped start the com.

HOUSE, continued from page 1 Rooms. Te discussion of creating a grand Remembering Ma Jones
house. Not only was this an excellent project entrance took place in such a way to preserve
for the class, but it also provided the House the nature of the space and character of the What's your favorite memory of Ma Jones?
Corporation with many ideas for making house while recognizing that this is a focal Send your stories to Skyler Lambert at
decisions on the right way to put fnishing point for every visitor. Timing on starting Te best
touches on the appearance of the house. this project is contingent on the completion submissions will be featured in a future
One major area of emphasis the Board of the other projects but could begin as early issue of Te 315 Connection.
was looking at with the presentations was as summer or fall.
the entrance and Moose and Composite

DECKER, continued from page 1 While that record may appear to be broken,
which will be held by Skyler Lambert ’12. that quote is no less true today than it was
In addition, we’ve also gone a diferent route three years ago when I was asked to join the
in our ongoing renovations projects by House Corporation. As an organization, we
developing a closer working relationship with realize that in order to get to where we want
the decision-makers in the Administration. to be we need to employ diferent ways to
We feel this gives us a great chance to have accomplish our goals. We are always open to
our renovation goals completed by our 50th suggestions if you feel you can help our cause
Anniversary celebration in September 2014. and we are excited that we can continually
Lastly, as you read about the success of this provide good information and great news.
year’s Annual Campaign, chaired by Rob
Magyar ’10, please think about how far Fraternally.
that has come by more than doubling the
amount raised just three years ago.
You can always quote me as saying
“this is an exciting time for Teta Chi.” Joseph Decker ’05

Dates to Remember: Update Your Contact Info!

April 13 - Founders Day Weekend It’s easy to register and update your contact info. You can
Register Online Here! search your giving history, look for Zeta Beta brothers,
review past newsletters and more! Simply go to:
September 20-22 - Homecoming Weekend

Alumni communication services provided by Te Laurus Group | | 770-903-3987
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