Page 3 - The Rhomer - Summer 2017
P. 3
Alumni News
Gordon Bloomberg ’55 recently retired from Larry R. Kane ’59 writes, “After 50 years of
Washington University School of Medicine as practicing law, I retired on August 31, 2015.
professor emeritus. “Keeping busy with reading, I still see and am good friends with fraternity
and managing and updating our home. Staying brothers I’ve known for more than 50 years.
up to date with J.B. Pinski ’55, Josh Pais ’55, My wife, Mocky (Sammy Sweetheart 1962),
and Bernie Weiner ’54.” and I still live in Deerfield, Illinois.”
Save the Date
We always make sure to help other organization’s Homecoming is scheduled this
philanthropies when we are available. We were year on Saturday, October 28.
happy to play in Alpha Phi’s philanthropy soccer
tournament knowing that all proceeds went to a Join us when the Fighting Illini
charity benefitting kidney cancer research! take on the Wisconsin Badgers.
Information for Illini ticket office:
Connect with Us! Website:
Phone: 1-866-ILLINI-1
Website: Email:
Facebook: Address: 1800 S. First Street State Farm Center, Room 1000
Working at Ojibwa, I
have formed friendships
Since the publication of our
with some incredible last Rhomer we have learned of
individuals that have the passing of the brothers listed below.
extended outside of We extend our condolences to
camp, even to things like their family and friends.
school and internships. Marvin Hecht ’46
As a counselor, I am able Robert Dick ’52
to experience camp all Edward M. Dick ’55
over again while acting Gordon D. Friedenberg ’56
as a role model for kids Harvey L. Haddon ’59
setting out on their own David A. Blackburn ’79
and developing a sense of Brian K. Blackburn ’80
independence for the first Stanton Bohmbach ’13
Outside of school, what
Aidan (pictured fourth, bottom right) with his entire pledge class at the Rho house. do you for fun?
Outside of school I
for performers, some of whom taught me. This enjoy playing guitar with friends, working
coming year I hope to plan and play my own out and going on runs/hikes, reading, going Have Alumni News?
events for the first time and continue developing to the movies, cooking and grilling meals for We want to hear from you! Send your personal
my love of music and performing. myself and friends, and playing sports like updates, accomplishments, adventures, and photos
What are you looking forward to this summer? tennis, golf, softball, basketball, football, and to our Account Manager, Kasey Breedlove, at
I am very excited to be working as a ultimate Frisbee. The key to most of these is, or simply fill out the tear-
counselor at Camp Ojibwa. I have been going getting to spend time with my friends and away form at the bottom of your cover letter and return it
up to camp and post-camp there for my entire family. in the mail. We want to share it in the next issue of The
life and am returning as a counselor this year. Rhomer! Be sure to visit us online at