Page 1 - Kai from Pi - Fall 2016
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                             Pi Chapter of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity ★ Indiana University ★ Alumni Relations Office ★ P.O. Box 5782 ★ Bloomington, IN 47407 ★ Fall 2016

                             From The House Corporation

                     Brothers:                Please  make  a  point  of  visiting  the  castle  on
                       As 2016 comes to an   North  Jordan  whenever  in  Bloomington!  Our
                     end, I ask you to look back   brotherhood  connections  extend  throughout  our
                     and reflect on your time as   lifetimes,  yet  are  nurtured  rather  infrequently.  I
                     a  Pi  alumnus.  We  recently   invite you to spend some time in volunteering with
                     celebrated  together at the   our advisors, our house corporation, or to dial in for
                     105  Beta Conclave and the   an executive teleconference via WebEx. Gifts to Pi
                     event was a great success!   chapter are always welcome through our Marching
                       This   year’s   meeting   Along  Educational  Foundation,  P.O.  Box,  80828,
                     featured  a  discussion  with   Atlanta GA 30366.
                     Betas at the intersection of   Yours_in_kai,
     business  and  tech,  moderated  by  Michael  Huber,
     President,  and  Indy  Chamber  members  Dave   Dr. Charles McCormick III ’72
     Bowen, Wabash ’99; Matt Gentry, Purdue ’12; and   President
     Tom Hirons ’74.  The  conclave  included  chapter   Marching Along Educational Foundation
     updates,  and  the  prestigious  Senator  Richard  G.
     Lugar undergraduate leadership award was feted to   (Turn to page three for photos from the 105  Beta   Pi Chapter members in OKC.L-R: Max Westlake,
     Nick Mpistolarides, former president of Indiana Pi   Conclave.)                Nick Mpistolarides, Brandt Downey, and Charles
     Chapter! We hope to see you there next year!                                   McCormick ’72.


                                            Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter we’re shining the Spotlight on fellow alumni
                                            brother Charles Chamness ’85. From the hometown of Bloomington, Indiana, Chuck gradu-
                                            ated with a BA in telecommunications and minor in history from IU. Chuck is president and
                                            CEO of National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies and dedicates his free time
                                            to family and organizations such as the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. Since 2005, he has vol-
                                            unteered with St. Baldrick’s and shaved his head every year to raise money for children’s
                                            cancer research. He has also been a member of the IU Foundation Board of Associates for
                                            several years. Chuck and his wife Briget have been married since 1989 and they have four
                                            children: Charlie ’15, Sally, and twin boys Joey ’19 and Robbie. His son Charlie is a recent
                                            graduate of IU, and his son, Joey, is an active fraternity member.

     What led you to join the fraternity as an active?  classwork  a  bit.  Looking  back,  the  classes  I  really   as an assistant media buyer with a large agency, but
      Being from Bloomington and having worked at the   enjoyed  were  the  history  classes  of  Prof.  Rufus   within a few months I discovered that advertising was
     IU Foundation in high school and in college, I rushed   Fears, which led to my taking a minor in history. My   not what I wanted to do. I set my sights on returning to
     several fraternities, but my Uncle Don “Moto” Morris    senior year was focused on work as a member of the   D.C., which I did as director of communications for a
     ’54 was a Beta in the 1950s so it was first on my list.   IUSF Steering Committee running practice for Little   small bank trade association in late 1986. I spent the
     Kent Webb ’85 and I pledged, and we moved from our   500  riders  at  Armstrong  Stadium.  As  graduation   next 10 years in Washington, D.C., serving in the first
     dorm room to 919 East 10  the second week of our first   approached,  I  knew  I’d  be  coming  back  for  fall   Bush administration as deputy assistant secretary for
     semester. I was placed with pledge brothers in Ryan/  semester,  so  I  applied  for  a  summer  internship  with   public affairs under HUD Secretary Jack Kemp as well
     Gordon. Kent had to room with a bunch of sophomores   Indiana’s great U.S. Senator Richard G. Lugar. Sen.   as a press secretary on Capitol Hill and in other public-
     who made his life pretty tough. We had a great pledge   Lugar’s sons John Lugar ’85 and David Lugar ’87   and  private-sector  positions.  My  best  experience  in
     class and were initiated on January 30, 1982. Many said   are Pi Chapter Betas as well. John was in my pledge   D.C. was meeting my wife, Briget, and having our first
     our pledge class was the definition of “skeens” and they   class. Thanks to the Lugars, I had my first experience   two kids, Charlie ’15 and Sally.
     were right.                            in Washington, and it eventually translated into a career.  What is a typical day at NAMIC like for you as
     As an active member, how did your internship open    What did you do after graduation?  CEO?
     the door for a career in politics and public policy?  So in late 1985, I was ready for my first job, and Jeff   We’re a trade association, so I travel a lot, working
      I  was  a  telecom  major  with  a  concentration  in   Richardson ’73 set me up with a series of networking   with  and  representing  our  1,400  property/casualty
     advertising,  and  had  spent  a  lot  of  time  on  campus   interviews with ad agencies in New York City, which I   insurance  companies.  I’ve  been  CEO  13  years  and
     activities  and  participating  in  all  the  entertaining   arranged after cancelling the return flight paid for by a   (continued on page 4)
     happenings at the Beta house and had neglected the   company that recruited me at IU. I began 1986 in NYC
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