Page 2 - Kai from Pi - Fall 2016
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Chapter News

          From the Chapter President                                                      PI CHAPTER

                        The   Pi   Chapter   of   $33,000 through our Face Off for the Forces event in   WELCOMES A
                      Beta  Theta  Pi  at  Indiana   support of the Wounded Warrior Project. Furthermore,
                      University  currently  boasts   our  previous  philanthropy  chairman  headed  efforts
                      a membership count of over   to expand our charitable donations beyond monetary   NEW HOUSE
                      130 outstanding young men.   contributions and broadened our influence within the
                      Our  collective  involvement   community by donating nearly 100 service hours to   MANAGER
                      in  leadership  positions  on   Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County.
                      campus  continues  to  grow   We are a progressive and dynamic chapter, and are
                      alongside   the   character   adjusting our culture in response to voluntary changes   James  Thomas
                      of  our  members.  Our   as well as new administrative regulations. Our chapter    took over as the
                      involvement   umbrellas   altered its executive board’s terms to coincide with the   live-in adviser to the
                      countless  campus  outlets   school year in an effort to encourage older members   chapter this semester.
     including IUSA Supreme Court, Investment Banking   of  our  chapter  to  run  for  executive  positions  and  to   He  was  warmly
     Workshop,  Global  Sales  Workshop,  Investment   facilitate  a  smoother  transition  for  future  executive   welcomed and met
     Management Workshop, Real Estate Workshop, Kelley   teams. We also hired and provided living arrangements   with   enthusiasm
     Honors Program, the Board of Aeons, Timmy Global   for  a  new  live-in  housing  manager,  James  Thomas,   by   the   brothers.
     Health,  Campus  Outreach,  and  Men  Against  Rape   who will also act as a liaison between our members, the   Since  his  time  here,
     and Sexual Assault. We are excited to welcome Beta   university, and our housing corporation.       James  has  assisted
     brothers back to Bloomington and into our house as we   Administrative changes aside, the Pi Chapter strives   in  managing  house
     embark on the upcoming school                         to  maintain  positive  university            affairs,   advising
     year. We humbly reflect upon our                      relations,  extend  campus  and               the  exec  board,  and
     progress and achievements over                        community  involvement,  and   being a resource to the chapter as a whole. James
     the course of the previous year.                      increase  accountability  while   attends  chapter  meetings  and  sets  aside  time  to
      In  the  fall  of  2015,  we                         developing ourselves as students
     finished with a 3.311 collective                      and Men of Principle.    meet and advise exec members on a personal basis.
                                                                                    The  chapter  is  very  receptive  to  him,  and  wants
     GPA  and  closed  out  the  spring                    Yours in _Kai_,
     semester  with  a  3.223,  which                                               to continue to have a strong relationship with him
     is  outstanding.  Our  display                                                 moving forward.
     of  philanthropic  attitudes  and
     appreciation  for  our  alumni’s   2014-2015 Beta cycling team at   Samuel Comfort
     support  caught  the  attention   their annual retreat to Florida in   Chapter President
     of  the  university;  we  received   preparation for the Little 500 bike   260-570-3100
     GAAP   Awards   for   both   race.          
     Outstanding  Philanthropy  and
     Alumni Relations. Also, our dedicated Little 500 bike
     team finished seventh overall and the recently graduated
     senior  riders  paved  the  way  for  our  eager,  rookie
     members to remain competitive while representing our
     chapter. Additionally, our diverse membership regards
     philanthropy as a pillar of our brotherhood.                                    The new House Manager’s apartment.
      The  Pi  Chapter,  in  conjunction  with  other
     Greek  organizations,  holds  a  long-standing  history
     of  collective,  philanthropic  efforts  that  possess
     newsworthy  and  influential  fundraising  power.  Our                            INSIDE THE PI
     most  recognized  project,  Dropping  The  Puck  On
     Cancer, remains geared toward funding the American                                    KITCHEN
     Brain Tumor Association (ABTA). We gifted $60,000
     to ABTA and the project continues to expand with the                             The food service was also updated this year. The
     addition of six undergraduate operational committees:                          chapter is ecstatic about the quality of the food. The
     Logistics,  Fund  Development, Apparel  and  Graphic   Minutes after winning Dropping the Puck on
     Design, Marketing, Community Outreach, and ABTA   Cancer Philanthropy 2016.    employees  are  much  more  efficient,  and  we  are
     Relations.  Also,  our  chapter  raised  and  contributed                      provided  more  variety  in  our  meals.  The  food  is
                                                                                    consistently good. This not only has helped spirits
                                                                                    to rise, but is has fostered greater fellowship between
                                                                                    brothers as we all look forward to eating together as
                                                                                    a chapter.

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