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A Publication of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Florida | Summer 2013 | Gamma Xi Chapter
Alumni Relations Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987 |
From the Alumni Alumni Spotlight: Brian Schlang ’08
Association President From the Editor: For this edition of Marching Along we
are shining the Spotlight on Brother Brian Schlang ’08.
reetings from Gainesville. Brian was recently honored by the FICPA (Florida Institute
GSummer is here and even of CPAs) and was selected to the FICPA Top 26 under 36.
though the house is empty, there is From the hometown of Boca Raton, FL, he is currently
plenty going on at 2315 Fraternity utilizing his BA & Masters in Accounting at Morrison,
Drive (remember that’s our new Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC in Fort Lauderdale. Our
address). In addition to inside past pledge class President, Brian stays involved with the
and outside painting, pressure chapter by utilizing his position as Head Recruiter at his
washing, cleaning and other various maintenance company and speaking with the undergrads when he visits
projects, we’re also in the process of refnishing the house. Recently elected as the FICPA President, Brian
the bathroom walls with an acrylic product that will assume his new role in July. Read on to fnd out more!
is very durable and pretty much maintenance
free. We did the showers in both bathrooms What brought you to the Gamma Xi time), I was with him and everything after
last summer and are doing the remainder of the house back in school? that is history. Now we have a daughter
upstairs bathroom this summer. Long term it will The Gamma Xi house was the only house named Madison and another one on the
save us a good bit on upkeep and it looks great that represented each strength of the other way!
as well. fraternity houses. The Gamma Xi brothers
In addition to having another great year were an eclectic group of brothers all of How is the number 1957 signifcant to
scholastically (top 5 among all fraternities and a whom had respect for one another. I was you?
GPA higher than that of the all campus average), fortunate during my time there to meet 1957 is the year my father was born, my
the guys also excelled in intramurals (tied for 1st and create friendships with many brothers, Beta member number is 1957, and my
place headed into our fall sports), philanthropy many whom I still consider to be close employee number at work is 957. I didn’t
(Beta Bring it On once again packed the Phillips friends today. choose any of these, which is very odd.
Center and allowed the brotherhood to make a
large contribution to the National Alzheimer’s Is this how you met your wife? When did you come to Morrison,
Association), as well as excelling in on-campus Yes, I met her at Beta Rush during my Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC as an
activities and groups. sophomore year. Funny enough at Beta intern?
Before the summer ends, we will be holding Rush, she asked to meet a Beta named Yes, I interned while I was still in school
our 5th annual Active/Alumni Leadership Retreat Aaron she met earlier that week, and when and when I graduated with my Masters in
at the Orange Lake Resort in Orlando. During they brought out Aaron (the wrong Aaron
the weekend of August 9-10th, the active as there were two of them in Beta at the See ALUMNI, continued on page 2
chapter’s Executive Committee and members of
our Alumni Association and Chapter Advisory
Board will be meeting to plan for the coming
school year. It’s been a great tool over the last
several years and we would welcome any alumni
that would be interested in attending the meetings
on Saturday the 10th. We are currently in need of
a few alumni to help with advisory roles with the
See PRESIDENT, continued on page 2
in This Issue . . .
Alumni Association ......1 Chapter Spotlight:
Alumni Spotlight: Justin Larson ..........3
Brian Schlang .........1 From the Archives ........4
From the Chapter .........2 Alumni News ...............5
Beta Philanthropy .........2 Alumni Band Party ......6
Brian with College Gameday prior
to UF - Miami football game.
A Publication of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Florida | Summer 2013 | Gamma Xi Chapter
Alumni Relations Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987 |
From the Alumni Alumni Spotlight: Brian Schlang ’08
Association President From the Editor: For this edition of Marching Along we
are shining the Spotlight on Brother Brian Schlang ’08.
reetings from Gainesville. Brian was recently honored by the FICPA (Florida Institute
GSummer is here and even of CPAs) and was selected to the FICPA Top 26 under 36.
though the house is empty, there is From the hometown of Boca Raton, FL, he is currently
plenty going on at 2315 Fraternity utilizing his BA & Masters in Accounting at Morrison,
Drive (remember that’s our new Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC in Fort Lauderdale. Our
address). In addition to inside past pledge class President, Brian stays involved with the
and outside painting, pressure chapter by utilizing his position as Head Recruiter at his
washing, cleaning and other various maintenance company and speaking with the undergrads when he visits
projects, we’re also in the process of refnishing the house. Recently elected as the FICPA President, Brian
the bathroom walls with an acrylic product that will assume his new role in July. Read on to fnd out more!
is very durable and pretty much maintenance
free. We did the showers in both bathrooms What brought you to the Gamma Xi time), I was with him and everything after
last summer and are doing the remainder of the house back in school? that is history. Now we have a daughter
upstairs bathroom this summer. Long term it will The Gamma Xi house was the only house named Madison and another one on the
save us a good bit on upkeep and it looks great that represented each strength of the other way!
as well. fraternity houses. The Gamma Xi brothers
In addition to having another great year were an eclectic group of brothers all of How is the number 1957 signifcant to
scholastically (top 5 among all fraternities and a whom had respect for one another. I was you?
GPA higher than that of the all campus average), fortunate during my time there to meet 1957 is the year my father was born, my
the guys also excelled in intramurals (tied for 1st and create friendships with many brothers, Beta member number is 1957, and my
place headed into our fall sports), philanthropy many whom I still consider to be close employee number at work is 957. I didn’t
(Beta Bring it On once again packed the Phillips friends today. choose any of these, which is very odd.
Center and allowed the brotherhood to make a
large contribution to the National Alzheimer’s Is this how you met your wife? When did you come to Morrison,
Association), as well as excelling in on-campus Yes, I met her at Beta Rush during my Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC as an
activities and groups. sophomore year. Funny enough at Beta intern?
Before the summer ends, we will be holding Rush, she asked to meet a Beta named Yes, I interned while I was still in school
our 5th annual Active/Alumni Leadership Retreat Aaron she met earlier that week, and when and when I graduated with my Masters in
at the Orange Lake Resort in Orlando. During they brought out Aaron (the wrong Aaron
the weekend of August 9-10th, the active as there were two of them in Beta at the See ALUMNI, continued on page 2
chapter’s Executive Committee and members of
our Alumni Association and Chapter Advisory
Board will be meeting to plan for the coming
school year. It’s been a great tool over the last
several years and we would welcome any alumni
that would be interested in attending the meetings
on Saturday the 10th. We are currently in need of
a few alumni to help with advisory roles with the
See PRESIDENT, continued on page 2
in This Issue . . .
Alumni Association ......1 Chapter Spotlight:
Alumni Spotlight: Justin Larson ..........3
Brian Schlang .........1 From the Archives ........4
From the Chapter .........2 Alumni News ...............5
Beta Philanthropy .........2 Alumni Band Party ......6
Brian with College Gameday prior
to UF - Miami football game.