Page 2 - Marching Along Summer 2013
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PRESIDENT, continued from page 1 on Friday, September 20th of the Tennessee Weekend. The band goes
on at 9:00 p.m. but festivities will begin at the house around 7:00 p.m.
chapter. Please contact me if you are interested and have a couple (check the website in August for more details). The house will also be
hours a month that you can spare. holding an alumni reception prior to Gator Growl on Friday, November
With fall fast approaching, we all know what that means….the 8th for those that will be coming up for Homecoming.
return of Gator Football and game days at the Beta House. As always, As in past years, please give the Paramount Plaza Hotel a call at
we will be hosting an Alumni Reception at least two hours prior to 352-377-4000 to book rooms and receive special “Beta” rates for home
kickoff during all home games (visit our website games. Typically the deadline to reserve your room at our reduced
for more details as the season approaches) as well as a couple special rates expires about 3 weeks prior to each game.
events. This year we will be hosting our 3rd annual Alumni Reunion
Band Party and we will be featuring the Michael Stacy Band from Thanks again and we hope to see you in Gainesville.
Adel, GA.
They have opened for country acts such as Brad Paisley and Yours in _____kai_____
Wynonna Judd (as well as the band leader’s childhood idol, George
Jones) but also have a long playlist that features Southern Rock, Party,
and Motown favorites to name a few. Please plan to attend the party Brad Fortune ’92

ALUMNI, continued from page 1 Do you have any tips for preparing for
Accounting from UF, I started my full time retirement?
career at MBAF. My tip for retirement for the younger
generations would be to start contributing
What was the 4-part CPA exam like and the maximum amount to your Roth IRA on
how much time did you spend preparing an annual basis. For the older generations, I
for it? would suggest discussing with your current
I spent 2-4 weeks preparing for each part and advisor the benefts or risks of converting an
passed all four parts my frst time. I did this IRA to a Roth IRA from both an income and
in the span of 4 months. Most people will tell estate planning point of view.
you that the exams are diffcult, but I found
them to be easier then the exams I had in the As the Head Recruiter for your company,
UF accounting program. Most UF students how can our young actives prepare for your
pass their exams quickly after graduation, but visits the chapter house?
other new graduates from other schools tend I am a head recruiter for the University of
to have a tougher time with the exam. Florida, but any accounting majors can see me
at the career fair or at the house (as I always
What does it take to maintain your stop by when I am in town) and give me their
certifcation? resume. It would be best at the career fair so I
I am required to attend 80 hours of Continuing can introduce you to others at our frm as well. Top: Brian’s listing in the Florida CPA Today 26
Professional Education every 2 years, of Our frm is the # 1 independent accounting under 36 magazine. Bottom Left: Brian with his
which 4 must consist of ethics and 20 must frm in the state of Florida and most of our little girl Madison Marie. Bottom: Brian and his
consist of auditing and accounting. internship and full time opportunities are in wife Lisa Marie.
our Miami and Fort Lauderdale offces, but
You have been promoted six times in fve we also have offces in New York, Boulder,
years – what is your goal? Baltimore, Orlando, Boca Raton, and India as
I have been promoted 5 times, but my goal is well.
to become a partner at MBAF, LLC within
the next few years. I will accomplish this with
my expertise in partnerships, S-corporations,
mergers and acquisitions, the real estate
industry, and the technology and internet

What advice can you give our alumni about
managing their own fnances?
As a tax and accounting manager, I only
advise on taxes not on fnances, but there is
a saying that a great accountant is worth his
weight in gold. Other than that I would say
to buy low and sell high, and pay off your
student loans.

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