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Marching Along

                                                     A Publication of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Florida | Fall 2016
Gamma Xi Chapter Alumni Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987 |

    FROM THE                                             ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: BEN FOWLE ’06
                                                         By Fred Wallrapp ’79
    PRESIDENT                                              Ben Fowle ’06 always knew he was interested             Ben has recently been elected as President of the
                                                         in building; he just hadn’t decided what to build.      Gamma Xi Housing Corporation. The housing
                 Greetings,                              When it comes to building, you can build brick          corporation, whose formal name is the Florida
                    It has been a quiet summer at the    and mortar structures, or you can build up the          Beta Student Aid Fund, owns the house and the
                                                         people in your life. Ben has done both. I always        land it resides on. In this position, Ben will have
                 Beta House on Fraternity Row in         find interesting a Beta Brother’s story of how they     an opportunity to build on the legacy established by
                 Gainesville. The house took a much      became interested in the fraternity. In Ben’s case,     Brother Brian Brasington, who served in this role
                 deserved break after a very busy and    his Beta journey started when his freshman dorm         for the past 12 years. Brian, in addition to countless
                 successful school year. Unoccupied      mates at Riker Hall (coincidentally named after a       other things, oversaw the renovation of the chapter
                 during the summer months,               Florida Beta, Harold C. Riker) were interested in       house and the successful fund-raising campaign that
we have been performing “regular and routine”            pledging Beta and brought him along to the house        made this possible during his tenure as president. If
maintenance on the beloved home of Gamma Xi              one evening to meet the Brothers.                       you have not seen the house since the renovation,
so it will be looking good when the fall semester                                                                please stop in the next time you are in Gainesville.
begins. We are very fortunate to have Brother Paul         This was during a dark time in the history of Beta
Valletta back in charge of directing the summer          at UF. The 2002 fall pledge class was disbanded           Ben graduated with a master’s degree from the
house repairs and maintenance. Paul’s career has         as the chapter went through a reorganization that       UF School of Building Construction in 2011. He
been in the construction industry and he was a key       saw its membership dwindle down to 40. When             is currently continuing his love of building as a
player in the major house renovations performed          Ben pledged in the fall of 2003, there was a lot of     Project Manager with Brasfield & Gorrie General
five years ago. He knows the house inside and out,       building required to get the Gamma Xi Chapter           Contractors. They are busily working on the
and does a fantastic job keeping things in top shape.    back on track. Ben held the house manager position      renovations to the Stephen C. O’Connell Center
Welcome back Paul!                                       while living in the house and worked on a variety of    at UF, which is scheduled to be completed by
  UF Beta Brothers just returned from the 177th          house improvements and social event projects. Ben       December 1st of this year. The first event planned
General Convention of Beta Theta Pi, held this           and his pledge brothers, many of whom he is still       after the center’s reopening is the fall graduation,
year in Oklahoma City, on August 4th – 7th. They         friends with, worked very hard to get the chapter       scheduled for December 10th.
usually try to have August 8th fall during convention    going in the right direction, and that legacy has been
“At 9 pm on the evening on the eighth day of the         continued by the brothers who have followed them.         Beta had a profound impact on Ben’s life,
eighth month in the year 1839, eight earnest young       Today, Beta Theta Pi is one of the strongest and                                    (continued on page two)
men…..” – We all know the rest. The dates just           most desirable fraternities on the UF campus.
didn’t work out that way this year, but the large
contingent of Betas from UF who attended had a             Among Ben’s favorite memories during his college
great experience they will never forget.                 tenure, was the summer of 2014, which came to be
  Please join me in welcoming our new House              known as Summer Crew. Summer is usually a time
Director, Kathy Estes. Kathy comes to us from            of rest between the hectic spring and fall semesters,
the University of Missouri (aka Mizzou), where she       but the guys that lived in the house during that
was a very successful House Director for Sigma Chi       time took full advantage of this freedom. Between
fraternity. Not Beta, but Sigma Chi is a member          classes, re-constructing the back deck, and building
of the Miami Triad with Beta Theta Pi and Phi            the game room bar (both removed to make way
Delta Theta, so we’ll let it slide. Kathy, or Mom        for our beautiful renovation), Ben worked as a
Kathy as the brothers will soon be calling her, is very  parking lot attendant with fellow summer crew
experienced in the running of a fraternity and we        compatriots. After work, the guys frequented Jack’s
are looking forward to her leadership at Gamma           Bar downtown, unwinding from the craziness of
Xi. During the interview process she stressed that       Gainesville evenings. When not working during
                                                         the evening, Ben could be found enjoying a meal
                           (continued on page three)     at Grog House Bar and Grill, which his father still
                                                         thinks serves food.
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