Page 3 - Sigma Star - Spring 2014
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Chapter News VanBebber (Continued from Page 1) ΑΔΠ When was your frst medical mission trip your happiness in and what have you enjoyed most? your career/position. My frst trip was to Hue, Vietnam in 2004 with Some perceive a lack of a pediatric cardiac team I was privileged to choices, geographic location call friends. This was my frst BIG trip out of for example, as a drawback or a the country and we had the time of our lives, shortcoming. In my life, however, provided quality care to very sick children I have taken full advantage of the during the Chinese New Year and celebrated “limitations” to take me to places where a culture which welcomed us with open I meet special people and learn more than arms. The gratitude and graciousness was so I ever could have imagined. The experiences amazing, I really wanted to stay! Obviously I and the memories are irreplaceable. returned and have since traveled on mission trips to Santiago, D.R. and Lima, Peru. Alicia scrubbing in before surgery. Outside of work, what do you do for fun? How did you adjust to your new home in My husband and I enjoy spending time on our Puerto Rico? ‘ranch’ where there is always maintenance to Puerto Rico was an absolute surprise on my be done. Between our chickens, cats, dog, and journey and aside from my career, I was rescue donkeys, we defnitely have our hands otherwise unprepared. I didn’t speak Spanish full! The outdoor activities and greenery call and my foreign language in college? Lingala! to us. We also enjoy all of the musical talent My journey in Puerto Rico was life changing; offered here in Nashville. Travel is also a I met my husband Joseph while working large part of our fun time! there. We didn’t speak each other’s languages, so the dictionaries were a staple. How do you stay connected with your What made you branch out to work Sigma sisters? in medical education as a Clinical Over time and all of my moving about, it has been diffcult to maintain contact through all Specialist? of life’s changes. The Sigma Star provides me My time in Puerto Rico came to a close due wonderful insight to the lives of my Sigma sisters to a renegotiation of service contracts. In my past, present and future. Facebook has been an career, rather than just take any job, I have incredibly useful tool to reconnect too! The U of I always tried to maintain fexibility in order to Alumni Association also provides great resources. be a part of a job I love. Perfusion didn’t have an ideal opportunity for me at that time, so I What advice can you give our alumnae decided to try my hand in the medical industry and young actives about pursuing as an educator. I love to teach and I love to their dream job? travel so it was a great ft! Ultimately I missed Pursue your dreams and be fuid in how you patient care and sought the opportunity to can achieve them. Your fexibility will prove return to perfusion in pediatrics exclusively. invaluable. Above all, take care to ensure Alicia and Joseph in WaynaPicchu, Peru. “We hiked 2 hours to reach summit!” President (Continued from Page 2) presentation on lifelong membership from turnout with around 100 Katherine Levasseur, a leadership consultant women (more than half of who was spending fve days with our chapter. our chapter) participating After Initiation in March, the executive board in cheering on the boys! put on a Diamond Development Workshop Last weekend, we also modeled after a Kairos retreat. This retreat lasted held our two philanthropy from 8 pm until 1 am and included relationship events: a lunch called building among sisters and self-refection in an ADPicnic, and Can You accepting environment where we could learn Kick It?! — A Kickball more about each other and bond as a group. Tournament! The second Words cannot describe our experience at this annual ADPicnic was retreat- it was such an incredible way to welcome incredibly successful- the newest members of the Delta class. many people came out Women opened up about tough life experiences to our chapter house and admitted things to each other that some had to support the Ronald Walk a Mile event. never even admitted to themselves. McDonald House Charities. We served BBQ philanthropy event in the fall will be just as April saw one of our Panhellenic Council’s pulled pork sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, successful! biggest events — Walk A Mile In Her Shoes. coleslaw, fruit, and cookies! Unfortunately, it This event raises awareness for sexual assault in was pouring rain last Sunday in Champaign so Love and violets, which men will walk a mile around the quad in our kickball tournament was cancelled due to high-heeled shoes and listen to sexual assault liability at the Champaign Park District level. statistics to learn what it is like to walk in a The enthusiasm shown by the teams, however, survivor’s shoes. Sigma Chapter had an amazing was very encouraging and hopefully our next Sarah Sandberg
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