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Winter 2014-15 | Alumni Relations Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987 A Word AlumniSpotlight: Richard A. Smith ’86 from the Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter we’re shining the Spotlight on Brother Rick Smith ’86. From the hometown of Harrisonburg, VA, Rick Chairman came to UF in pursuit of a Finance degree. Joining AE as a freshman, Rick served the chapter as Treasurer and Social Chairman. After graduation he worked with Electronic Data Systems for four years before continuing his Dear Brothers, education at Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management in Illinois where he earned his MBA. With much success in the world of If someone would have told me consulting, Rick was able to branch out into writing and recruitment. four short years ago, that by the Fall Currently serving as the Co-Founder of Fast Radius, LLC, Rick is also a of 2014, our chapter would be back in contributor to Forbes Magazine, and bestselling Author of The Leap, and a leadership position at U of F with The Five Patterns of Extraordinary Careers. Rick is the founder of World 50, 119 Active brothers, I would have the CEO of Next Generation Leadership program, is a co-Founder of Fast thought the challenge to be…almost Radius, the inventor of the Primary Color personality assessment, and was impossible. But it happened! also Co-Founder of the Bionic Network. Outside of work Rick volunteers Like most of us, business, family with the American Cancer Society, school fundraisers, and he helped launch and just plain life took me in many the Atlanta Children’s Museum. Rick and his wife of almost 21 years, Lori, different directions after I graduated enjoy spending time with their children Arden, Adam, and Laine. from Florida. I often thought ΠΚΦ about trying to re-engage with our fraternity, but there always seemed What led you to join Pi Kappa Phi? get my MBA from Northwestern. I wasn’t sure to be something else getting in the I seemed to feel the most comfortable there. what would happen, but felt it surely couldn’t hurt. way. You can add to that the fact The frst time I walked in, David Boden ’84 that I was never really sure how (Sku) was standing in the door, said “hey!” and Why do you feel it is necessary to keep to go about taking that next step handed me a 24 oz beer. Next thing you know, I your options open as a Consultant? to reconnect. But the thought was I was a pledge. I joined a strategy consulting frm after grad always lingering in the back of my school – which is basically delaying making any mind. All similar feelings which I After graduation, what was your job like real decision on your career. I worked across many am sure most of you share. Then one with EDS? industries and on numerous projects and problems. day several years back, I received a It was fascinating, like drinking from a fre hose. call from Don Slesnick III, who at EDS was a great training ground. I joined a But over time, the travel (5 days a week) and hours the time was the Chairman of the fnancial management training program along with (one project was 6:30am to midnight every day) Housing Corporation…but someone Scott Weiss and Randy Wadle, and began a series took a major toll. I came home one weekend, and I had never met. He asked if I of rotations in different roles and cities. I ended up my 2 year old daughter said would consider coming to a Housing with a rotation in Germany, “daddy daddy, thanks for Corp meeting which was being running a pricing group for coming to visit!” I called held in G’ville a few weeks down central and eastern Europe. the CEO and quit that the road. They were looking to get It was one of the most fun weekend. more alumni involved and someone years of my life, and I ended at National had given him several up traveling on 50 of the 52 names to call. I was working in New weekends I was stationed What inspired you to York City at the time, but on a whim... there. Really opened my eyes write your frst book? decided to accept the invite. What I to the possibilities in life. I left strategy consulting did not know until I got to Gainesville because of the travel, and was that our fraternity was moving Why did you go back to was recruited to become towards an extremely challenging school for your MBA? a recruiter with Spencer period at that time. But that was then I remember driving around Stuart. I enjoyed the work and this is now. and was good at it, but I would like to take this opportunity some of the wealthy areas of over time I became bored. to do for you what Slez III did for me Dallas, and thinking – “there I missed the rigor and several years ago, and invite each of is simply no way I am ever research of consulting. So going to get anywhere like this you who have not already done so, to I decided to write a book join us in Gainesville on February with an incremental 3% raise – conducting a very large every year.” I was fortunate to 20/21, 2015 at the Hilton Hotel as statistical study of what we celebrate our annual Founders have presented some research behaviors separate middle I had led to the CEO of EDS, Day Weekend. This casual forum managers from those able to and he was willing to sponsor Rick with his daughter Laine (L) and his wife Chairman (Continued on Page 4) me to take some time off and Lori (R) after running the Big Sur Marathon. Smith (Continued on Page 4)
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