Page 4 - The Pi Kappa Gator - Winter 14-15
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Smith (Continued from Page 1) Chairman (Continued from Page 1) as scale brings in provides a great opportunity to meet the men its own set of of Alpha Epsilon as they speak to the future problems. But of our organization, hear from our Alumni Rick playing with his there is a “high” Housing Corporation about the next steps in band Men Without Youth – opening up that you get from our business plan…but most importantly, will for Lynyrd Skynyrd starting a thriving provide you with the opportunity to reacquaint in 2008. company from with old friends and meet new ones you did scratch that is not know you had. We are very pleased to addictive. announce that the Chief Executive Offcer of Pi Kappa Phi, Mark Outside of Timmes ’76 (pictured work, what do left), will be our key you do for fun? note speaker. As I have reported in the past, this Mostly, I write. meeting has grown over I write an article the last several years and on leadership we are expecting a record for Forbes once reach the top of their organizations. The book, a week, and am now working on my next turn out this year. The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers, was We have a strong business plan in place and published by Random House with little fan fare, book (about the massive disruption that will a growing number of alumni across multiple be caused by industrial 3D printing). I have but surprisingly quickly became a bestseller. I generations who are joining us in one way put together a media and speaking tour to keep also been in a band for nearly 14 years – Men or another to make a difference. Our goal Without Youth. I formed the band with great the sales going, and at that point knew I really is simple…to get everyone re-engaged and didn’t want to go back to headhunting. I’ve been friend Dennis Flynn in 2001, and we have return Alpha Epsilon to “Awesome Epsilon” at an entrepreneur ever since. had some great success with it. the University of Florida. For that to happen... We opened for Lynyrd Skynyrd we need each of you to join us. once and Zac Brown Band twice. What have you enjoyed Eventually, Dennis left MWY to I look forward to seeing you in February. most as a business owner? join another local band, but I’ll I am now involved with my leave that story for our Behind the ffth startup, this time launching Music special. Michael L. Sullivan an industrial 3D printing Chairman company, the frst of its kind. What advice can you give to Alpha Epsilon Housing Corporation My frst company, World 50, was the alumni about working to a great success, and the others become a future CEO? have mostly been “singles,” but all are still in existence and doing I don’t think you should try to well today. I guess I enjoy the become something you imagine. creation the most – taking a new You should become what you are. Save the Date! idea and bringing it to market. If that is an engineer, or singer or The frst stage of a start-up is brutal – it is all lawyer or whatever, follow your inner voice. about rejection. Relentless rejection, until you Even in high school, I seemed to be this odd AE Annual Meeting are fnally pointed in the direction of a real compilation of creative, wacky ideas tossed problem to solve. But then there is a point where together with a non-trivial need for attention. February 21, 2015 you know you have something – the sales begin In grad school, my nickname was Cartoon to take off, the company starts making money, Character. Eventually, I embraced these odd Key Note Speaker: you bring in a great team and execute – that is traits and learned to take great advantage of Mark Timmes ’76 like nothing else I have experienced. You feel them. I believe deeply that everyone has unique you have really created something, and all you strengths and passions, and if you can fnd a Details and invitation in ΠΚΦto place most can see at that point is impact and upside. This career where you can put these in mailboxes now! feeling does not last very long, unfortunately, days, things will work out just fne. Congratulations Awards won at the 54th Supreme Chapter in Atlanta, Georgia • Top ten in fundraising for The Ability Experience. • Alpha Epsilon was named a Champion Master chapter. • 13th Best GPA among IFC fraternities. Kevin Elya (L) and Ryan Montgomery (R) accepting the Champion Master Chapter award. Alumni communication services provided by Te Laurus Group | | 770-903-3987 | @thelaurusgroup
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