Page 8 - 167 - Advance Packet
P. 8
Room Naming Guidelines
If you make a pledge of $5,000, or higher, you have the opportunity to have a room/space named in
your honor, in honor of a sister, in memory of a sister, or for a Phi Eta Chapter family.
Family Naming Guidelines
A family, including up to five members, may join their pledges together in order to name a room for
their family. All rooms chosen for family names must cost $25,000 or higher.
Pledge Class Naming Guidelines
Pledge classes may come together to name a room. Each class must have at least 50% participation
and a minimum cumulative amount pledged of $25,000. In order for the pledge class to receive
credit for your gift, the gift must be stated that it is to be applied to the donor’s pledge class’ gift.
Pledge Class Competition
The top three pledge classes that raise the most money will receive special permanent recognition in
the house. The Steering Committee reserves the right to approve all room naming requests. Room
naming opportunities are available based on the date a pledge is confirmed. Therefore, please list
your TOP 3 choices in order of priority.
There will be a plaque placed inside or at the entrance to each naming area, as determined by the
Campaign Steering Committee. The plaques will be placed so that they are easily seen. Names on
plaques should be kept to a maximum of 24 letters and must be approved by the Steering Committee.
There will also be a Donor Board listing everyone who made a minimum donation of $1,000 to the
campaign. Donors will be listed by giving level.
In Honor of Jane Doe Smith ’94 (living or deceased)* The Doe Family Living Room
by Mrs. Smith ‘96 The Smith Family Dining Room
*Initiation year will be used after the alumni’s name
In Memory of Jane Doe Smith ’94 (deceased only)*
The Jane Doe Smith Study Room