Page 1 - Sigma of Alpha Gamma Delta - Spring 2014
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Spring 2014 | Alpha Gamma Delta | Alumni Relations Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987

Sigma in My Life Alumnae Spotlight

Joan Zaeske Kaufman ’85
by Susan Cullison Wallace ’80

“To welcome the opportunity of
contributing to the world’s work by Pat Holm Smith ’60, Editor
in the community where I am Editor’s Notes: It is my pleasure to and credits to
placed because of the joy of service introduce an outstanding Sigma Sister list here. Joan
thereby bestowed and the talent of who has donated her talent and time to is currently
leadership multiplied.” Sigma Chapter. serving as chair
I memorized these words from the Joan pledged Alpha Gamma Delta of the Illinois
Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose prior to Initiation, but I and treasured her time living in the Department of
never imagined that this particular phrase would defne castle with wonderful sisters and Professional
my life’s work. Following graduation from University friends. Joan was an Illinette and R e g u l a t i o n
of Illinois, I returned to the Chicago suburbs to marry especially remembers a trip to Ohio B o a r d o f
Jeff, my college sweetheart and start living life. I gave
little thought to Alpha Gam other than keeping in State and The Rose Bowl. While a Interior Design.
touch with my closest friends from the house. I never collegian at U of I, Joan earned a BS in A f t e r
bothered to update my records with International with Interior Design and a Bachelor of Fine g r a d u a t i o n
my married name or new address. Imagine my surprise Art History. Joan studied art and design from University of Illinois in 1985, Joan
when I answered the phone one night at my parents’ at Loyola University Rome Center in participated in West Suburban Alumnae
home in Wheaton only to have someone ask for Sue Rome, Italy. Joan worked in number Club and currently the DuPage Area
Cullison. The caller identifed herself as a member of of positions as an interior designer Alumnae Club. Joan’s daughter,
and for several Chicago architectural Theresa, is an Alpha Gam in Beta Xi
“...I never imagined that frms. In 1990, Joan founded her own Chapter. A few years ago, Mariann
interior design frm, Interior Design &
Gutshall, Sigma, invited Joan to advise
this particular phrase would Planning, Inc. Joan has been awarded Sigma House Association. Sigma
numerous honors in various felds.
Chapter House has benefted from her
define my life’s work.” She was selected to judge the National expertise. Visit the chapter house to
Association of Realtors awards for view the results of her creativity.
2010 - 2011. Joan has too many honors
the DuPage Alumnae Club and proceeded to invite me
to a meeting. I politely responded that I didn’t think
that was going to happen. When I laughingly relayed
the conversation to my parents, they reacted with
“really, an alumnae club?” My response was “I’m
sure they’re a bunch of old ladies who sit around and
drink tea!” My dad’s expression grew serious. I will
never forget his response, “When you were initiated
into Alpha Gamma Delta, it was for life – not just for
the time you were on campus.” The very next month I
attended my frst meeting of the DuPage Club and my
life has not been the same since.
The women I met came from several generations
and even more chapters. There were stay-at-home
moms, full-time professionals and a couple of retirees.
These women, sisters through our shared membership
in Alpha Gamma Delta, became my mentors and my
friends. My life was busy, but I managed to juggle my
schedule to allow time for my growing involvement
with Alpha Gam. Finally I was able to see for myself
the “big picture” of Fraternity membership.
Among all the events for charity and the social
side of the club, the projects that had the most
meaning for me were doing “the world’s work in the
community where I am placed.” Contributing to the

Sigma Life (Continued on Page 6)
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