Page 6 - Sigma of Alpha Gamma Delta - Spring 2014
P. 6
Leads to Passion
This phrase refects the world of collegiate
life. Classes, lectures, projects, studies are
the main agenda of a college student, but a
well-rounded student will get involved with
campus activities outside of the classroom.
PanHellenic Council is a popular participation
for Alpha Gams. Last semester Sigma Chapter
was awarded the Month of the Scholar There
were three members representing Alpha Gam:
VP Standards, VP Member Development, and
Director of Gamma Chis. This semester Sigma
members will serve on PHC Recruitment Board
and PHC Judicial Board.
Additional campus groups where Alpha
Gams contribute and lead include Wish Makers,
Club Track, Club Softball, Cross Country,
3 Spot Dance Troupe, Vitality Dance Team,
Illinettes Dance Team and Illinois N Motion
Dance Team. Alpha Gam women also get
involved with Actuarial Science Club, Minority
Marketing Association, Pre-pharmacy Club,
Student Nurses Association, Society of Women
Engineers, Pre-Occupational Therapy Club,
Undergrad Neuroscience Society, and other
career related groups. Alpha Gams volunteer
in the community as academic tutors, coaches
for Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity.
Academics are recognized on Dean’s List,
James Scholars and .many Honors fraternities.
Sigma Collegiate Chapter total 186 this
semester. Chapter house capacity is 67.
We Want Have alumni news? We want to share it in the next
to Hear issue of Sigma Sidelights! Please send your news and
From You! photos to our Account Manager, Kasey Breedlove at
Jeff’s career brought us back to Champaign. We
Sigma Life (Continued from Page 1) left the suburbs of Chicago after 30 plus years. It
was very diffcult to leave my DuPage sisters. It
world’s work - helping those who so desperately didn’t take long for the phone to ring again; this
needed it - while fulflling part of my Purpose as time it was an offer to serve on the Sigma House
an Alpha Gam. My experiences in the club gave Association. How ftting that I will begin this
me confdence to seek out opportunities in other phase of my life serving where I frst made that
groups and my DuPage sisters were always there promise: to contribute to the world’s work in the
cheering on my accomplishments. community where I am placed. I am so thankful
Jeff and I started our family with my Alpha for that phone call I received so long ago. I am
Gam sisters always by my side. They were there thankful for my dad’s reminder of my initiation
to celebrate the good times and hold my hand promises. But most of all I am thankful that my
during the sad times. My sisters and I “did life” involvement with Alpha Gamma Delta didn’t end
together and the joy of service was made so much with my college graduation. My life has been all
sweeter by the joy of friendship. the richer because of a sisterhood that extends far
This past year my life changed radically when beyond the walls of Sigma Chapter House.
We hope you enjoyed this new issue of Sigma Sidelights. If you can support this publication,
please send a check payable to Sigma Alumnae Chapter and enclose with your proxy.
Alumni communication services provided by Te Laurus Group | | 770-903-3987
Leads to Passion
This phrase refects the world of collegiate
life. Classes, lectures, projects, studies are
the main agenda of a college student, but a
well-rounded student will get involved with
campus activities outside of the classroom.
PanHellenic Council is a popular participation
for Alpha Gams. Last semester Sigma Chapter
was awarded the Month of the Scholar There
were three members representing Alpha Gam:
VP Standards, VP Member Development, and
Director of Gamma Chis. This semester Sigma
members will serve on PHC Recruitment Board
and PHC Judicial Board.
Additional campus groups where Alpha
Gams contribute and lead include Wish Makers,
Club Track, Club Softball, Cross Country,
3 Spot Dance Troupe, Vitality Dance Team,
Illinettes Dance Team and Illinois N Motion
Dance Team. Alpha Gam women also get
involved with Actuarial Science Club, Minority
Marketing Association, Pre-pharmacy Club,
Student Nurses Association, Society of Women
Engineers, Pre-Occupational Therapy Club,
Undergrad Neuroscience Society, and other
career related groups. Alpha Gams volunteer
in the community as academic tutors, coaches
for Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity.
Academics are recognized on Dean’s List,
James Scholars and .many Honors fraternities.
Sigma Collegiate Chapter total 186 this
semester. Chapter house capacity is 67.
We Want Have alumni news? We want to share it in the next
to Hear issue of Sigma Sidelights! Please send your news and
From You! photos to our Account Manager, Kasey Breedlove at
Jeff’s career brought us back to Champaign. We
Sigma Life (Continued from Page 1) left the suburbs of Chicago after 30 plus years. It
was very diffcult to leave my DuPage sisters. It
world’s work - helping those who so desperately didn’t take long for the phone to ring again; this
needed it - while fulflling part of my Purpose as time it was an offer to serve on the Sigma House
an Alpha Gam. My experiences in the club gave Association. How ftting that I will begin this
me confdence to seek out opportunities in other phase of my life serving where I frst made that
groups and my DuPage sisters were always there promise: to contribute to the world’s work in the
cheering on my accomplishments. community where I am placed. I am so thankful
Jeff and I started our family with my Alpha for that phone call I received so long ago. I am
Gam sisters always by my side. They were there thankful for my dad’s reminder of my initiation
to celebrate the good times and hold my hand promises. But most of all I am thankful that my
during the sad times. My sisters and I “did life” involvement with Alpha Gamma Delta didn’t end
together and the joy of service was made so much with my college graduation. My life has been all
sweeter by the joy of friendship. the richer because of a sisterhood that extends far
This past year my life changed radically when beyond the walls of Sigma Chapter House.
We hope you enjoyed this new issue of Sigma Sidelights. If you can support this publication,
please send a check payable to Sigma Alumnae Chapter and enclose with your proxy.
Alumni communication services provided by Te Laurus Group | | 770-903-3987