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The Alpha Nus
Alpha Nu Building Association of Theta Chi, Inc. | Summer 2007 | Georgia Institute of Technology
Alumni Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 |
From the President Cooks’ Night Off
by Ian Willoughby ‘92
his issue of The Alpha Nus Alpha Nu Chapter Starts Nonproft -
Trepresents what Theta Chi and The Shirlock Foundation
Alpha Nu is all about. As you read
about the the charitable efforts of n a typical week before fnals, you will fnd most
our chapter, both undergraduate and Ocollege students with their noses buried in books
alumni, and as you read about the preparing for exams. April 26th, the Thursday before
social and networking opportunities fnals, was not a typical day for many Georgia Tech
that are presented every year, I want students. More than 400 people took a break from
you to think back to your days as an undergraduate. Ask studying to attend “Cooks’ Night Off,” a barbeque
yourself, how has your life changed as a direct result of dinner and kickoff fundraiser for a new non-proft
joining Theta Chi? For most of us it was one of those organization called “The Shirlock Foundation.”
defning moments that has created opportunities for us to
grow and excel, be it professionally, socially, or other.
Today, you have the opportunity to help create
those opportunities for a new generation of Theta Chi
members. By making a contribution to help continue
our alumni communication, recommendinig a young Named in honor of alumnus Brother Jonathan
man for membership, or participating in the Tachi Shirlock, the mission of the Shirlock Foundation is
Classic this year, each contribution makes a difference to ease the fnancial burden of the families of college
and is much appreciated. So thank you in advance and students who have been diagnosed with leukemia.
thank you to those who have given of their time and Easing fnancial burdens takes time and money, which
resources this year. is where Alpha Nu comes into play.
Finally, we have a tremendous group of dedicated Alpha Nu alumni helped the Shirlock Foundation
alumni leading our organization and I want to thank them get off the ground in many different ways. Brother
for their time and service. We recently held our Annual Gino Massafra ’72 played an instrumental role
Meeting and have set the agenda for the upcoming year. in providing legal counsel and incorporating the
We look forward to seeing you at upcoming events. The Shirlock Foundation. Brother Richard McCrea ‘72
list of our association offcers is listed below. If you has also been very helpful, offering fnancial advice
see them out and about, be sure to thank them for their and Brothers Steve Urvan ‘89 and Ian Willoughby
untiring service to Alpha Nu. ‘92 have been supportive through the entire process.
To help the foundation get started fnancially,
Fraternally, the active chapter played host to an innovative
fundraiser called, “Cooks’ Night Off.” The premise
was simple: several campus organizations gave their
SHIRLOCK FOUNDATION continued on page 4
Alpha Nu Building Association Annual Meeting
The annual meeting was held on April 10, Founders
Day, this year. Six board members: Ian Willoughby
‘92 – President; Steve Urvan ‘89 – Treasurer; Richard
McCrea ‘72 – Finance; Stan Thomas ‘81 – Social;
Kevin Murray ‘90 – Funding; and Shayne Kondor ‘90
– Secretary were in attendance along with seven alumni:
Mace Phillips ‘53, Mike Everly ‘82, Leo Chang ‘05,
Gary Johnson ‘76; Joey Cohn ‘04; Mike Space ‘97;
Robert Cross ‘07; and eleven active Brothers, including
President Drew Thorp.
Alpha Nu members Michael Aberhard, Jason Passmore,
and David Cross staff the Cooks’ Night Off ticket table
and sell “Shirlock Foundation” bracelets with members
of Alpha Chi Omega sorority.