Page 2 - Alpha Nus Summer 2007
P. 2
Chapter Nus
From the Alpha Nu Chapter President
by Drew Thorp
reetings from the Helping Hand. In addition
Gundergraduates of to the philanthropies
the Alpha Nu Chapter! Brothers participate in
As we head into every semester, the entire Alpha Nu chapter members at the Georgia Tech Auto Show pose with an
the summer semester Brotherhood volunteered Enzo Ferrari, one of only 400 ever made.
and begin looking at the 4th Annual Georgia
towards an exciting fall, Tech Auto Show in April. We helped set up aged leukemia patients with the non-medical
let’s look back at our all of the tents and tables early in the morning living expenses associated with the hardships
accomplishments over then helped direct the cars to their spots and they endure.
the last several months. First and foremost, I cleaned up in the evening. This was the frst With the help of several alumni
am very happy to announce our Alcohol Free time the Auto Show had volunteers from the Shirlock Foundation has become an
Housing Waiver has been renewed through another organization and we made such a good incorporated, non-proft organization and we
June 30, 2008. The requirements to keep the impression they have already asked us back to have created a partnership with the Emory
AFH Waiver are always stringent and receiving help again next year. Winship Cancer Institute. The response from
it is another accolade for the Brothers of Alpha I am also very excited to announce the everyone has been overwhelming as there was
Nu. We also won Greek Week for the third establishment of The Shirlock Foundation, no existing organization committed to helping
time in four years, beating second place Sigma something we have been working on for several this specifc problem.
Phi Epsilon by 57½ points. The house really months. As you know, in April 2006, Brother The big kickoff event for the Shirlock
came together to make it an amazing week Jonathan Shirlock lost his 5 year battle with Foundation was a BBQ Picnic at Tech called
which was capped off by our victory. Leukemia. In the fall, we dedicated the Party “Cooks’ Night Off” which you can read about
In academics, we fnished this spring Room in his memory and talked about starting on page 1 of The Alpha Nus. It was a huge
with a 2.93 GPA for our Chapter. We had a foundation to help families of other college- success and plans are already in the works for
24 Brothers on the Dean’s List and three aged leukemia patients. next year and ensuring this becomes an annual
Brothers earned Faculty Honors by receiving In March, a good friend of the active Alpha Nu event.
all A’s. Although the fnal numbers have not chapter and one of our Brothers’ girlfriends, We will be going to the Theta Chi Chapter
been published, this should place Alpha Nu Sara Keene, was also diagnosed with Leadership Conference in July with the hopes
above the All-Men’s Average GPA for Georgia Leukemia, further motivating several Brothers of spreading the success story of “Cooks’
Tech and in the top tier of fraternities on to think of ways to honor Sara and memoralize Night Off” and the Shirlock Foundation to
campus. Brother Shirlock. Thus began work on The the rest of Theta Chi nationally. Our hope is
Perhaps the most exciting news for the Shirlock Foundation. to make this important cause known to more
Alpha Nu Chapter from this spring is that The basic premise of The Shirlock than just Alpha Nu and Georgia Tech and to
we are continuing to live by the ideals of the Foundation is to assist the families of college- truly live by the ideals of the Helping Hand.
Alpha Nu Member Spotlight: Kyle Taylor
rom Moultrie, able to approach brothers for assistance and
FGeorgia, Brother advice with my classes.” When he was going
Kyle recently completed through recruitment, he quickly realized that
his frst year as an he wanted to join Theta Chi, “The brothers
architecture major at made me feel very at ease and I found them all
Georgia Tech. When to be personable and easy to get to know.”
asked his favorite class Kyle has four more years to contribute
so far, he responded with, to Alpha Nu’s continued success on campus.
“Studio! What else?” “I plan on becoming active with Tech’s
The architecture program requires that Interfraternity Council and other groups on
students spend countless hours in Studio, but campus to show that Theta Chi is active and
Kyle also managed to join Alpha Nu in the fall, cares about the Georgia Tech community,” Georgia Tech vs. Maryland game day photo. From
and he was the chapter Fundraising Chair for he said. This year, he particularly enjoyed left: Justin Hwa, Kyle Taylor, and David Cross.
the spring semester. While taking classes over participating in Greek Sing and when the
the summer, he will be living in the chapter chapter won Greek Week. he enters the workforce. He added, “There
house. Kyle’s career goal is “to work in a design/ is great leadership in our chapter and I’m
Being a member of Theta Chi has build frm working on the designing and proud to say that many brothers are helping
been benefcial for Kyle. He stated, “As a planning of homes and neighborhoods.” He spread this leadership throughout campus
freshman, my workload was quite overbearing said that he is sure his Alpha Nu membership by their involvement in Theta Chi and other
at times, especially with architecture. I was will strengthen his leadership skills for when organizations.”
From the Alpha Nu Chapter President
by Drew Thorp
reetings from the Helping Hand. In addition
Gundergraduates of to the philanthropies
the Alpha Nu Chapter! Brothers participate in
As we head into every semester, the entire Alpha Nu chapter members at the Georgia Tech Auto Show pose with an
the summer semester Brotherhood volunteered Enzo Ferrari, one of only 400 ever made.
and begin looking at the 4th Annual Georgia
towards an exciting fall, Tech Auto Show in April. We helped set up aged leukemia patients with the non-medical
let’s look back at our all of the tents and tables early in the morning living expenses associated with the hardships
accomplishments over then helped direct the cars to their spots and they endure.
the last several months. First and foremost, I cleaned up in the evening. This was the frst With the help of several alumni
am very happy to announce our Alcohol Free time the Auto Show had volunteers from the Shirlock Foundation has become an
Housing Waiver has been renewed through another organization and we made such a good incorporated, non-proft organization and we
June 30, 2008. The requirements to keep the impression they have already asked us back to have created a partnership with the Emory
AFH Waiver are always stringent and receiving help again next year. Winship Cancer Institute. The response from
it is another accolade for the Brothers of Alpha I am also very excited to announce the everyone has been overwhelming as there was
Nu. We also won Greek Week for the third establishment of The Shirlock Foundation, no existing organization committed to helping
time in four years, beating second place Sigma something we have been working on for several this specifc problem.
Phi Epsilon by 57½ points. The house really months. As you know, in April 2006, Brother The big kickoff event for the Shirlock
came together to make it an amazing week Jonathan Shirlock lost his 5 year battle with Foundation was a BBQ Picnic at Tech called
which was capped off by our victory. Leukemia. In the fall, we dedicated the Party “Cooks’ Night Off” which you can read about
In academics, we fnished this spring Room in his memory and talked about starting on page 1 of The Alpha Nus. It was a huge
with a 2.93 GPA for our Chapter. We had a foundation to help families of other college- success and plans are already in the works for
24 Brothers on the Dean’s List and three aged leukemia patients. next year and ensuring this becomes an annual
Brothers earned Faculty Honors by receiving In March, a good friend of the active Alpha Nu event.
all A’s. Although the fnal numbers have not chapter and one of our Brothers’ girlfriends, We will be going to the Theta Chi Chapter
been published, this should place Alpha Nu Sara Keene, was also diagnosed with Leadership Conference in July with the hopes
above the All-Men’s Average GPA for Georgia Leukemia, further motivating several Brothers of spreading the success story of “Cooks’
Tech and in the top tier of fraternities on to think of ways to honor Sara and memoralize Night Off” and the Shirlock Foundation to
campus. Brother Shirlock. Thus began work on The the rest of Theta Chi nationally. Our hope is
Perhaps the most exciting news for the Shirlock Foundation. to make this important cause known to more
Alpha Nu Chapter from this spring is that The basic premise of The Shirlock than just Alpha Nu and Georgia Tech and to
we are continuing to live by the ideals of the Foundation is to assist the families of college- truly live by the ideals of the Helping Hand.
Alpha Nu Member Spotlight: Kyle Taylor
rom Moultrie, able to approach brothers for assistance and
FGeorgia, Brother advice with my classes.” When he was going
Kyle recently completed through recruitment, he quickly realized that
his frst year as an he wanted to join Theta Chi, “The brothers
architecture major at made me feel very at ease and I found them all
Georgia Tech. When to be personable and easy to get to know.”
asked his favorite class Kyle has four more years to contribute
so far, he responded with, to Alpha Nu’s continued success on campus.
“Studio! What else?” “I plan on becoming active with Tech’s
The architecture program requires that Interfraternity Council and other groups on
students spend countless hours in Studio, but campus to show that Theta Chi is active and
Kyle also managed to join Alpha Nu in the fall, cares about the Georgia Tech community,” Georgia Tech vs. Maryland game day photo. From
and he was the chapter Fundraising Chair for he said. This year, he particularly enjoyed left: Justin Hwa, Kyle Taylor, and David Cross.
the spring semester. While taking classes over participating in Greek Sing and when the
the summer, he will be living in the chapter chapter won Greek Week. he enters the workforce. He added, “There
house. Kyle’s career goal is “to work in a design/ is great leadership in our chapter and I’m
Being a member of Theta Chi has build frm working on the designing and proud to say that many brothers are helping
been benefcial for Kyle. He stated, “As a planning of homes and neighborhoods.” He spread this leadership throughout campus
freshman, my workload was quite overbearing said that he is sure his Alpha Nu membership by their involvement in Theta Chi and other
at times, especially with architecture. I was will strengthen his leadership skills for when organizations.”