Page 3 - Nu Beta Data - Spring 2015
P. 3
Introduction of Mrs. Lillie Crawford by Sara Mizerany (Chi Omega House Manager) rs. Lillie is an incredible person and the fact that she gets to Mbe spotlighted in this newsletter is exactly what she deserves. She adores Chi Omega and every girl that is in this sorority. I believe this shows since she has worked here for 25 years. Nu Beta would not be the same without Mrs. Lillie. The women living here treat this house like it is their second home and Mrs. Lillie’s kind and warm heart truly makes everyone feel welcome. I feel honored to be able to work with her and the rest of the house staff every single day. Chi Omega is not only a blessing to the women in the sorority, but also the people, like Mrs. Lille, that help make our house so incredible. 1. How long have you been working very smoothly. The girls seems to love at the Chi Omega house? it as well. I have worked here for 25 years. I started 4. What is your favorite thing out as the house keeper on the frst foor about the new kitchen/house and eventually was offered the position renovation? of head cook. I was so excited because I love all of the work area! The sinks I had always wanted to be the head cook! on both sides of the stoves are so 2. What are your favorite meals convenient, the walk-in-cooler is to cook? awesome, and the big Work-horse oven is my absolute favorite. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls. This is the girls’ favorite 5. What is your favorite part meal too. about being the head cook? 3. What do you think about the I love working with the girls every day. new kitchen? I also like taking charge. Having big events at the house are my favorite I love it! It has made cooking for the because I can really do my job well and girls more effcient and everything runs get things done the right way! Fast Facts About the New House • This is the largest house in Chi Omega history • We added over 22,000 sq feet • The kitchen and dining room have been renovated to accommodate the entire chapter • The new chapter room fts 300+ members and includes brand new audio/visual equipment for meetings • We added additional study space throughout the house • There’s also a room on the fourth foor for a gym 3 Lille Crawford and Sara Mizerany.
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