Page 36 - sm3ai2018
P. 36

Doh HuaSeong                               Ling CengYang
   Got a lot to say about you… hmmm…          The most quiet boy in SM3Ai. Don’t
   where should I started first… A very       like to talk or  ask much. Most  of
   good  boy…  very active… but based         the time in your own  world. Very
   on the mood. Your mood changing            respectful  and hardworking boy.
   very fast… You get hurt easily espe-       Sometimes I feel that you try to tell
   cially when I say something which is       me something but you won’t share it
   against your opinion.  Good listener       with me. Need to be more open and
   and can be a counseling  teacher in        friendly.
   future… hahaha… always be happy…
                                              Loo HauLing
   Ek JoeWei                                  Leader for SM3 students. Very nice
   A lot of changes  as well…  I realize      and sweet boy. Need to be more se-
   that  nowadays  you like to smile a        rious because you are very playful. Be
   lot… ehmmm…  I  know  the  reason.         careful always. Always can give an-
   Cleaver and nice boy. Even though          swer  spontaneously and very active
   we have small conflict previously but      boy. Good and keep it up.
   still you able to settle  it  in a  good
   way. Sometimes I feel that you total-      Ng KaiCheng
   ly forget that I am your teacher and       Very emotional boy. Don’t like to mix
   you talk to me like you talk to your       with others especially  when we go
   friend… hahaha… happy cuz you feel         out. Nice boy and like to help others.
   comfortable with me.
                                              You need to be more friendly. Don’t
                                              take everything personally.
   Eow YongHao
   Sweet and nice boy. Very friendly          Phang YitYee
   and funny…  until  now I  still won-
                                              Hmmm…  Very quiet and passive.
   dering how you can tackle so many
                                              Sometimes  I don’t  know  what you
   girls at one time. Love to make jokes.
                                              are thinking. Very open  minded.
   Hope you can be like this forever.
                                              Even though  the boys  “bully” you,
   Keep smiling.
                                              but  you still cope up with them…
                                              Always be careful with SM3Ai stu-
   Kim WuiHang                                dents… hahaha…
   Can be consider as one of the naugh-
   tiest  boy in class. Love to disturb       Siew QingZhi
   teachers. I like your attitude when
   you ask questions during lesson. Can       Hmmm…  Mr  Siew… very cute and
   be very friendly person if  get  close     lazy boy… Sometimes I  feel  funny
   with you… I know you already start-        when  see  your face but sometimes
   ed to think about your future… don’t       I  fell  angry… you  know…  sure  you
   worry… everything will be good…            know… very clever boy but cuz of la-
                                              ziness you will spoil your life… Hope
                                              you can change your attitude in fu-
                                              ture… good luck…
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