P. 47
Discover Zigurats, an amazing city!
ew people know that in Mato Grosso do time of day has its charms.
Sul there is a condominium of round hou- The sunrise seen from the astronomical obser-
Fses with domed roofs. vatory is a fantastic experience. It is common for lod-
This Condominium is Zigurats and is part of ge and guesthouse guests to wake up early in order
Dakila Research, the organization that has surpri- to climb up to the observatory and wait for the sun
sed Brazil and the world with its scientific revela- to rise. The same goes for the amazing sunset. Varia-
tions. The documentary Convex Earth, by Dakila ble colors taking turns from the side of sunset and
Research, has impressed researchers around the then to sunrise. They are red, pink, blue, golden and
world, both for the seriousness of conducting re- yellow in different shades.
search that overturned the theory that the Earth is Arriving at night the place is covered by the
shaped like a globe. fantastic and incomparable gathering of stars. Only
Also Zigurats surprises and enchants visitors being in Zigurats can make you understand such a
from different Brazilian States and many countries. sky. There is no way to imagine.
There you find a residence in the form of a stepped Each resident of Zigurats is a guide ready to
Pyramid, an Astronomical Observatory, the famous explain about the place they have chosen to live in,
Mega Bridge and many more surprises for the visi- from different Brazilian States such as Rio Grande do
tors and also for the locals. Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, São Paulo, Rio de Janei-
Even in the small details Zigurats surprises. ro, Minas Gerais, Paraiba and even Mato Grosso do
Both the locals and the entire neighborhood pass Sul. We also have the houses of the Spaniards, the
over the Nelson Cristóvão bridge and you cannot Bolivians and it is common to host Americans, Para-
imagine that there is such beauty and grandeur be- guayans, argentines and French.
neath it in a gallery there. The Zigurats Technological Center (CTZ) - with
Under the bridge passes a small creek that its observatory is the reference for scientific tourism
makes the party for children when the temperature and is becoming an important astronomical observa-
rises. And the bridge view on the creek perspective tory, aiming to become a place of land and celestial
shows us beautiful stones characteristic of the place studies in areas of climatology, geology, meteorolo-
and the peculiar style of the bridges built by Dakila. gy and astronomy, helping us to understand more
The name of the bridge is named after its buil- about our planet and also the universe.
der who has known and worked on Zigurats since Our technological center is equipped with
the early works, always loyal and faithful to Dakila a modern telescope through an efficient robotic
Research. It is also the work of Nelson Cristóvão and system and also computerized. The astronomical
his tireless team the residence in the shape of a ste- observatory of the CTZ is based on the Newtonian
pped pyramid. model, composed of primary and secondary mir-
This stepped pyramid attracts the attention of rors. The equipment has been improved with mo-
children and adults to climb its steps that are always bile secondary mirrors through a robotic unit cou-
surprised by its beautiful, so unusual and unexpected pled to it, and is also computer controlled. (www.
shape in the middle of the rural area of Corguinho.
A quick tour through Zigurats will show you In addition to the Zigurats scientific tourism,
some of its most interesting points, but to discover Zigurats instructors are prepared to accompany visi-
Zigurats you really need time, curiosity and a good tors to adventure tourism through the region’s trails,
guide to accompany. Each point has a story, every hills, streams and waterfalls.
47 l IMPACTO | 2019
46 l IMPACTO | 2019 47 l IMPACTO | 2018